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Fine! Ignore me!

I woke up extremely early on Monday morning. 5:13 am to be specific. I couldn't fall asleep after that, so I got coffee and watched a bit of TV. Derek and Penelope had breakfast with us on Sunday then left. Me and Spencer forced Emily to watch Star Wars. After watching A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back the both of them went home, and I being the neat freak I am, immediately started cleaning. By 8 everything was in place. I ordered some food and ended my night by rewatching a few episodes of Dharma And Greg. And not even gonna lie, Greg now kinda looks like Hotch.

I made some coffee and watched the news. I sat in front of the TV for 2 or 3 hours just surfing through channels. Around 8:15 I got up and started getting ready. I was out by 8:45. Not realizing there was traffic because of heavy rain, I parked my car 3 blocks away since I was running late, and by the time I reached the building, I was soaking wet. I swiped my card and entered the password, went in the elevator, and sighed. I dragged my feet all the way from the elevator to my desk and plopped myself on my chair. "Looks like someones having a bad morning," Morgan scoffed.

"Derek, shut up or I swear to go-" I got cut off by a very happy Spencer putting a mug on my desk"

"Good morning!" He said with a big smile.

"Good morning and thank you," I said sitting straight looking in the mug even though I already knew it was coffee.

"Okay, so, I went home and I watched Return Of The Jedi and I think I've found my new obsession," Emily said.

"Oh hey, that's great Em!" I said. "Glad we could help you... with yet another addiction?" I tilted my head and chuckled and Emily just nodded with a big smile.

After that, the day was pretty boring. we didn't have a case so it was just the four of us at our desks since we had finished all the paperwork. Garcia and JJ would come every once in a while then get back to their offices. My mom also called and I finally had a decent conversation even though I was at work. Morgan and Emily would every once in a while yell "Yo Mrs. Ross!" just to annoy me, but my mom would laugh every time. After the call, Spencer and his chair, of course, suddenly appeared next to me.

"Hey, so, you wanna go out tomorrow if we're not on a case?" Spencer asked with a big smile. It was weird because he was smiling a lot lately. Not that I'm complaining, it was adorable, but what did he have planned?

"Actually I don't really feel like going out, Spence, I'm sorry," I said trying to keep my distance.

"Okay? We can stay home, order take out, and watch a movie?" I felt really really bad and just wanted to figure things out.

"How about another night?" I asked. His smile slowly turned into a sad frown and he nodded and went back to his desk. I looked at Emily and saw her looking at me with disbelief.

"The fuck are you doing?" She mouthed.

"I don't know!" I mouthed and shrugged nervously.

We passed yet another boring day at work. We all went in the elevator and stood in awkward silence for half a minute. Spencer hadn't said a single word since then. He'd either nod or shake his head. Once we reached the parking lot, Spencer rushed out of the elevator. I said bye to Emily and Derek and ran after him. "Hey!" I yelled. Spencer stood under the pouring but didn't turn around. "Spencer, I know you're mad-"

"Mad? No, Brooke, I'm not mad. I'm upset. You think I haven't noticed the fact that you've been ignoring me for almost 2 weeks now?" He said turning around.

"Look, my intention isn't to ignore you. I just need to figure some things out!" By then we were both soaking wet.

"What things, Brooke? No, you know what? You wanna ignore me? Fine! Ignore me! But-"

"I love you, you dumbass! That's what I needed to figure out! I've never felt like this for anyone else and I didn't know how to tell you." Spencer walked in front of me.

"You what?"

"I love you," I sighed. A smile slowly formed on his face. He held my cheeks, leaned down, and kissed me. Next thing I knew, my arms were around his neck and I was kissing him back.

After a few seconds, he pulled back. "I love you too, but I really don't wanna get sick," He chuckled. It made me laugh.

"We can... go get take out and watch a movie?" I said with a smile.

"For sure!" He said with a big smile, throwing his arm around my waist as he walked me to his car.

of a star, the moon, and criminals [spencer reid x oc]Where stories live. Discover now