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Dilaudid (pt. 2)

After hearing the name Tobias Hankle, we immediately recognized the name. We knew that Reid and JJ had gone to interrogate him, but that was hours ago. So, we drove to Hankle's house, at night. "Johan," Detective said. "Follow me. Take Hotch and Gideon." Morgan walked next to the detective. "Morgan," He said.

"What?" Morgan replied.

"There's a barn around back."

"Prentiss, Ross, come on." Me and Emily followed Morgan to a barn. It was dark so we turned on our flashlights and had our guns ready. We looked around and saw dead dogs and giant pools of blood. "Damn," Morgan sighed. Suddenly a blonde got up and pointed a gun at me and yelled, "FBI!" It was JJ.

"JJ!" Morgan, Prentiss, and I exclaimed.

"Don't move!" She yelled back aggressively.

"JJ, it's us. Don't shoot," Morgan yelled. "It's okay." She started lowering the gun. "Are you hurt?" She didn't reply for a few seconds. Emily slowly went next to her.

"Tobias Hankle is the unsub," She said, her voice slightly breaking.

"Yeah, we know," Morgan said.

"I'm calling an ambulance," The detective said.


"We just thought he was a witness," JJ explained. We looked at the dogs. "I had to kill them."

"JJ, where's Reid?" I asked.

"They just completely tore her apart," She went on. "There's nothing even left-"

"JJ, look at me," Emily said. "Look at me." JJ turned around and looked at Prentiss. "Where's Reid?"

"Oh, we split up. He said he was going to go around back," She said calmly. Morgan ran out of the barn. I helped JJ to the ambulance for her to get checked. Emily stayed in the barn to look around but she came out a few minutes later.

"Hey, is there any sign of him yet?" Emily asked the detective.

"We got every one of our units on the road. He won't make it far," He replied and walked away.

"You can't find Reid?" JJ asked, worried.

"Not yet," Prentiss said.

"Prentiss," Morgan said from behind and pulled Prentiss away.

"Don't worry. We'll find him," I reassured.

We stayed the night at Hankle's house. Hotch got Garcia to come. We all sat around the dining table and saw Garcia and Hotch come in. She looked around, fear and sadness in her eyes.

"Welcome to our nightmare," JJ said, as she went through one of Tobias' notebooks.

"His computer is an extension of his brain," Gideon said. "I need you to dissect it." Penelope nodded.

"I'll get you set up. Come on," Morgan said leading Garcia to a room full of computers.

"So, nothing new since I left?" Hotch asked.

"Well, the good thing is, the guy documented practically every second of his life," Emily explained. "Bad news is, we're still unpiling."

"From the looks of it, he hasn't left this place in years," JJ said.

"He knew he could pretend to be looking for a motel and throw us off his trail," I added.

"No, no, no. It's more than that," Gideon said. "Sheriff's office, 911 calls. Every time he engages the police and gets away with it... he reassures himself. God's on his side, not ours."

of a star, the moon, and criminals [spencer reid x oc]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें