Lesson 29

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Lesson 29:
Protagonists can also have less screen time?

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Your Highness,

It's been so quiet in the empire lately. This silence is quite deafening and worrisome. It's like a calm before a storm.

For your question, yes, it seems like the abyssal demons have discovered your disappearance. What's worse is that they were able to steal one of the enchanted necklaces.

If they are in that world then they must be searching for you and aiming for your head. Let's just wish to the God of Light that they won't try to do foolish things in that world.

If ever you will be needing help, we'll be willing to offer our life for you, Your Highness. Just please, don't call us because you need candidates for a matchmaking party. Thank you.

My brother has sent an assassin already who can conceal herself to spy the enemies. We will report to you immediately if we discover something.

Your faithful knight,

For the nth time this week, I read again the latest letter that Fanny gave to me. It's been a week but I still didn't hear anything new from her.

What's happening?

I almost had a heart attack when someone took a seat beside me.

"It's you," I greeted the long-haired man. I always see him in this Ramen Shop. What's the leader of a revolutionary group doing in this place?

"It's not you. It's Katsura," he said as I whispered along with him. I remembered what happened when I first came to this world. I almost lost my sanity to the people living this.

They even named me after their pet dog.

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you with Gintoki?" he asked.

"Why will I be with him? It's not like we're married or what--we aren't even a couple."

"I was asking because from what I heard, you've been hanging out with him and the gang lately."

"You really are outdated," I said. "I used to be one of them but you know, I realized when did you see a group of friends that has four members with it? Isn't it weird? It's always been three. Golden trio sounds better than golden quartet."

"Then you prefer to be a side character? You'll have less screen time."

"I have ALL the screen time. I mean, I am the protagonist of this story, after all," I reminded him. "What are you doing here though? Your screen time is done already."

"I was asked to be here to do a blind reaction," he said.

"A blind reaction? About what?"

He was about to answer but our attention suddenly shifted to the television of the shop. They were having a live broadcast on a place that looks like a route to a province. The camera was focused on an army that is heading to a bridge.

My jaw dropped when I realized who they were.

Alice... But how did she manage to bring the demons to this place? Oh, right! The enchanted necklace.

Suddenly, a door appeared behind us, revealing an exhausted Fanny. I stood up to catch her when she collapsed.

"Fanny! What happened?" I asked her. She was catching her breath but she managed to speak.

"Your Highness... The empire is under attack," she spoke, her eyes went to the TV that just showed a close-up shot of Alice. Her eyes widened. "I see. That's why she wasn't there."

"What do you mean, Fanny?"

"Your Highness, it seems like Alice brought a battalion of demons with her. The spy we sent told us that while Thamuz is attacking the empire, Alice will be in this world and will spread darkness because people in this world are powerless."

"Those demons..."

"Your Highness, you're the only one who can stop her."

"Gintoki," I heard Katsura calling out his name. His eyes were bored on the TV and when I followed it, I covered my mouth with my hand.

Gintoki, Shinpachi and Kagura are in the hands of Alice. She used her skills to them so that she'll be able to refrain them from moving. After that, I know she'll be up for their blood.

"How boring," she smirked on the camera. "I thought that the Princess of Light would be here with you today. Many people said that they've seen her around with you people."

"Oi, Shinpachi, your father must have been picking you up," Gintoki managed to spat some words even though he couldn't move his body already.

"I'm sure she said 'Princess' and my dad isn't one! It must be Kagura's mother," Shinpachi replied.

"But Mami doesn't look like a Princess of Light at all. She's like the Princess with the beast as his Prince Charming, a bald beast."

"Will you, annoying creatures, shut up?" Alice shouted at them. She used her magic more.

"What's with this hag?" Gintoki said, not minding the invisible restraint wrapped on his body. "Oi, halloween is still months away! Stop this prank but not stop on wearing your clothes. I love them. Oh, wait. You may stop wearing clothes, too!"

Can someone remind me why I fell for this guy because until now, I'm still wondering.

"Argh!" Alice growled. "I had enough with these people. I will only give you five minutes to call the Princess."

"The Princess?" Shinpachi asked.

"The silverhead lady with you."

"Oh I've always known that I'd look good if I was a girl," Gintoki said. "But I didn't know that I would look like a Princess."

"Fine. You're making things harder for me. Silvanna, the silverhead lady named Silvanna. Where is she? Tell her to come here!"

"Silvanna-san left a long time ago. She must have returned to her home," Shinpachi answered.

"If she returned to the Moniyan Empire then I won't be here. You know what? Nevermind. I'll just skip the part where I'll take Silvanna's head and just conquer this world. She can't stop us on her own, after all."

"Conquer this world, huh?" Gintoki's lip lifted to a smirk. "That won't be easy."

Then the Shinsengumi started to rush towards Alice and her creeps.

"I don't get your story at all but if these people will seize this world, we have to stop them. Amanto alone is already hard to drive away from this land. We can't let these slaves of darkness have our land, too," Katsura said. Together with Elizabeth, he left the Ramen Shop.

"Your Highness," Fanny looked at me. She pushed herself to stand up. She eyed me and her eyes were telling me something.

I nodded at her.

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