Lesson 5

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Lesson 5:
Sometimes, a missing person is just hiding inside a penguin duck's body

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"Anyone home?"

After hours of walking endlessly, I finally found the smith's home. "Excuse me?"

I knocked on their door more and even tried to peek inside.

"I'm looking for a boy who's wearing glasses. Her older sister said he came here! I can't break my promise to her, she's so scary!" I shouted. I waited for any response but I received none.

It looks like I don't have any other choice.

I made sure that there was no one around before doing it.

I kicked their wooden gate and went inside.

"Hello? Anybody home?" I asked. I roamed around more but all I saw were swords, no humans.

An explosion drew my attention. I quickly went on my way outside but bad luck, there were some people who gathered there.

"A trespasser! The tsujigiri must have done it. Quick! Search the whole place!" one of them shouted.

I need to escape immediately. Luckily, I found an escape route through the window. I could see the smoke from the explosion earlier so I followed it.

The path led me to the port. One of the ships there has a hole. I saw the boy with eyeglasses jump into the hole and following my instinct, I went after him.

Just when I landed inside the ship, it suddenly started to move but it didn't move horizontally! It's moving vertically! As if it's about to go to the air and worse is that I think we're being attacked, too.

The boy with glasses is here, too. If something happened to him, that woman would kill me! I need to find him.

With the help of my spear, I managed to survive from falling and was able to reach the ship's deck. I'm still catching my breath when I saw the boy with glasses on the floor fighting for his life. In his hands, the girl with vermillion hair was grasping for her life, too.

I rushed to them and helped them. The huge duck came, too.

"Why are you here?" the boy with glasses asked.

"It's a long story," the penguin duck wrote on its signboard.

"Oh! Sadaharu No. 30, you're here, too!" the girl cheerfully said.

"Yah! I'm not a dog and once again, I'm Silvanna! For Pete's sake!" I said.

"Elizabeth-san!" the boy with glasses said so we turned to him. My eyes widened when the penguin duck was sliced in two. I looked at the culprit. Somehow, I can't help but be agitated towards him.

"Hey, hey, since when has this place become the venue for cosplay? Little brats aren't allowed here," he said. He has bandages wrapped around his head.

"I'm not a brat." We turned to the penguin duck. His lower part was still standing. Come to think of it, there was no blood that came out from it either.

In a blink of an eye, a man stood in it and he cut the man with bandages.

"I'm Katsura," said the man that was inside the penguin duck's body.

W-Was he inside the penguin duck's body all along?

A woman and a man came to the fallen bandaged man. It looks like they're his comrades.

"To meet up with a dead man here is unexpected," said the weird-looking man.

"This can't be real... Katsura!" the boy with glasses.

"Why are you all acting that he's dead? He was with me when I found him injured after someone attacked him but when I woke up the next day, he was nowhere to be found, that's why I asked for your help," I said. "And he was just in that Penguin Duck's body all along!"

"You should have told us earlier!" the boy with glasses said to me.

"You should have asked me?!" I retorted.

Why am I in this situation though? I knew it! The moment I helped Katsura, I should have known that something like this is bound to happen.

What's really happening?

My moment of comprehending things was interrupted when the girl with knots and boy with glasses started to twirl Katsura around to refrain the enemies from coming closer.

"Hey, stop that! I can't get closer either!" I shouted.

Everyone stopped when something collided with the ship.

Seriously, how strong is this ship?!?!

But my thoughts vanished when someone came raging in that was led by the penguin duck. Another penguin duck?

It seems like they were the troupe of Katsura. Wait a minute... Katsura is their leader?!?!?! He was not just a terrorist but also their leader?

I eavesdrop on their conversation and that's only when I get the situation. The man with bandages earlier is Takasugi, he was a former comrade of Katsura and Katsura aims to stop him. Why will he stop him though?

"Katsura, leave it to us. Go quickly," says the signboard of the penguin duck. "It's not too late."


"This time come back quickly, okay?" Katsura nodded at Elizabeth and turned at me.

"I don't know who you are but will you please help them?"

"If I recall it, I remembered mentioning my name to you, Mister. Well, I'm already here so do I have any choice?" I said and summoned Cometic Lance.

"Thank you, Sadaharu No. 30," he said.

"My name's Silvanna, not Sadaharu No. 30!" I shouted and threw my spear towards him but he managed to dodge it so it struck the enemy. "Just go!"

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