Lesson 20

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Lesson 20:
Be aware of your surroundings

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"Since when is love considered an illness, seriously. Girls that have a job description that says that they're there to turn on guys are getting sick one after another. There's no sign of professionalism in here at all, you bastards." Gintoki turned at Otae. "But on the other hand, you're just fine and kickin'. You know what they say, idiots never ge-"

Otae didn't let him finish as she smashed his head on the table.

It's been days since the conflict on Otae and since Fanny appeared. The other day, we did a job that required us to protect a kid. She's a clairvoyant that's why she needs to be protected and she has seen that something bad will happen to her. I don't know if I should say that it's a success but what's important is that the kid is safe.

I can remember her words when we're about to leave. Good thing that the trio weren't there when she talked to me.

"Be careful not to fall."

Those were her words. Since then, I've been watching every step I take. I've been avoiding tripping myself and falling into some traps. I've been aware and conscious of my surroundings.

"Well, even though we only have one unappealing hostess, we're still trying to have some business here, Gin-san. Can't you do anything to help out?" the hostess club owner said. "You own a store and know an assortment of girls, right? You can introduce me to 2 or 5 pretty girls right away, right?"

"If I know any, I should have introduced them to you by now," Gintoki muttered.

"If you want a pretty girl, here's one right here," Kagura said but it seems like no one is listening to her. She continued on doing it as the store owner explained the situation. A very important customer is coming tonight. He's like a head of something and he's a very rare one. Serving a man like that is a big fish.

"A pretty girl, you say? I don't remember seeing one at all," said Gintoki.

"Open your eyes! Here's a pretty girl right in front of you here!" Kagura exclaimed on his face.

"Well, the face really doesn't matter. But I know a lot of them with bad personalities. Oh, wait, but there's her!"

"Yeah! Her! Her!"

"Ah! But she has tentacles, antennas and a psycho-gun attached to her left arm."

"Who is that? A monster?"

"Oh, right! There's another one, I know."

"It's me, right? It's me!"

"She's pretty and has a nice body. She's princess-like but doesn't act like a princess at all. More like a beast, yes, a beast!" he said.

Was he talking about me? He simply looked at me and that's when I knew that it was really me.

A beast?

"I swear, I'm not talking about you!" he said when he noticed the scowl I'm giving him. "You don't even look like a Princess at all! There's no way it will be you! You're more suited as bea--prince."

"Uhm... If you'd like, I can call up one of my friends... She's quite pretty..." said Otae while I just continued on beating Gintoki.

"No way. You can never believe a girl that says another girl is cute. She'll always turn out to be someone of a lower level--Ow!" I smacked his head.

"Unless you know someone and can call her right away, you can talk as you wish," I said.

"Excuse me." We all turned at the one who just arrived. "Is Tae-chan here? I'm here as a substitute."


Many things happened but in the end, they were able to find six ladies. Well, the one is not really a lady and the other is a lady but a cat. It was Otae, Kagura, Kyuubei, Kyuubei's servant, the catgirl that works for Otose, and the purple-haired woman that's been narrowing her eyes on me.

"How about this lady?" the store owner asked and pointed at me. "She looks fine."

"I thought you only needed six?" Gintoki said.

"Yes but ever heard of, "the more, the merrier"? I think she can also compensate for those other two."

"I don't think it's a good idea. You see, she really doesn't look like a lady. Just look at her hai--" Before he can even finish,I untied my hair and let it fall down. I tucked the loose hairs into my left ear and stared at them.

"I'm sorry, I should have brought my hairdress and styled my hair. I didn't know," I said and flashed them a sweet smile.

"Who are you? What did you do to that hag?" said Gintoki. With all my might, I kicked him.

"Stupid! I'm right in front of you and if you won't shut your mouth, I'll be the one doing something to you!"

"I'm not really into girls like you because you are too straightforward and wild but if you insist, I guess you'll do. Please be gentle though. I've never been touched!"

"You! PERVERT!" I shouted and kicked him away from me. I closed my eyes and calmed myself. I felt the sudden increase in the temperature on my face. I held my heart as it started to beat rapidly.

What's happening to me? My heart has been abnormal recently. I should go to a hospital after this.

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