Lesson 27

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Lesson 27:
You should make a decision thoroughly and quickly!

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To my surprise, the robots suddenly stopped moving. I sighed and smiled when I realized what it meant. I went to the entrance of the terminal and I saw something flying out from it. I waved so that I'll catch its attention.

I grinned when Shinpachi pointed at me and they headed towards where I was.

"Oh, is this Ginoji's sister?" the old man asked.

"Why does everybody say that I'm your sister?" I asked. I raised my spear and pointed it to Gintoki. "I can't see any resemblance."

"You aren't Gin-chan's sister?" Kagura asked. I eyed her in disbelief. Did she think all this time that I was Gintoki's sister? "Ah! I know it! You are his mother! No! Gin-chan's taller than you so he must be older than you. Perhaps you're Gin-chan's daughter? Who's your mother? Gin-chan, why aren't you telling us-"

"Can you stop calling us as relatives? We're not siblings or parent and child--" I tried to defend myself but Kagura cut me off.

"Then you're lovers!" What she said made my face burn. I was thankful that there's not enough light here so they can't tell.

"That's ridiculous! This guy?!" I exclaimed. "No, no, no. I'd rather date a gorilla than this guy."

"Same with me, I'd rather have a stalker girlfriend than a wild beast," Gintoki exclaimed.

"Gin-san, I always know you--" Gintoki snatched my spear and batted the purple-haired girl, who just suddenly appeared, away from us.

"On second thought, I think a beast is better than a stalker type." I took my weapon away from him and smacked him on his head. He winced in pain and that's when I only noticed the injuries he has. I suddenly felt guilty.

"You've been thinking?" I said. Why will I feel guilty? It's his fault for calling me a beast.

He's about to answer when suddenly something appeared in the sky. I gulped when I saw what it was. A black hole formed and a worm-like creature went out of it.

"Another one? I thought we had defeated the Final Boss of this quest?!" Gintoki exclaimed. He tried to move but I blocked him with my spear.

"This one is mine," I said without looking at him. He didn't complain anymore and I took that as my queue.

I pierced the pointed part of my spear to the ground and jumped towards the roof of the lower part of the terminal.

Me and the worm-like creature's gazes met. I am not sure but I think I saw its eyes widened. It illuminated a blinding light. I shut my eyes but I still made sure that I'm aware of my surroundings.

When the light vanished, I quickly opened my eyes and my eyebrows furrowed when the worm-like creature disappeared.

"You've been asking for a fight, right?" I heard someone shouting from behind. I turned around and immediately called my spear. I managed to slice the boulder that almost hit me.

I searched the place where it came from. A lady around my age was standing on the ground. There were blackholes beside her. Did the worm transform into a human?

"Just every single time you see me, you always keep on attacking me! I've never done anything wrong to you!" she said. Small pieces of rocks started to fly to me but I was able to block it and threw it back all the way to her. Just like what she's always been doing, she summoned a black hole and before the rocks can even touch her, the rocks have entered the hole already.

"Are you one of those people?" she asked but I don't have any idea on what was she talking about. "I'm sorry if I brought you to another world. It's not my fault! You were the one who was charging me. I only wanted to escape and you escaped with me!"

"What do you mean?" I asked. I brought down my spear and the holes beside her were lost.

"I'm a traveler. I travel in different worlds with the use of portals but in every portal I enter, I don't know where the hell I am. The portals I've been opening are random. What I can only control is the portal to the space, that's why I was able to throw rocks," she explained. Good thing that we were far from the bystanders.

"But if you're one of those people who were accidentally transported to another world, I can help you but please, do not attack me!"

"Okay, I won't attack you already. You should have told me from the start!"

"How can I tell you if the first thing you've always do is to attack me?! Anyway..." She placed her palm in front of her. A hole as tall as me appeared. "Just walk into this portal and you'll go back to the place where you came from. If you don't believe me, see it yourself."

I slowly approached her and stopped in front of the portal she created. I froze when I caught a glimpse of the Moniyan Empire. I put my arm inside it and I couldn't stop myself from smiling when I was able to do it. I even put my face inside and my jaw dropped when it was really the place where I came from. I pulled my face away from it and turned at the lady.

"You may go back now, if you want," she said. "I don't know when I will be back to this world again. This is your only chance and you must not waste it."

I gulped when I heard what she had said. She's right, if I let this opportunity pass, who knows until when I will be trapped in this world. I can't afford to stay here longer. No one knows when the demons will strike again. The Empire needs me.

I took a step forward.

"You can't return to that world once again."

Fanny's words echoed in my head.

"If I were you, I won't turn back," the lady warned but like what I did when I was told to not fall, I still turned to Gintoki.

They were far from me so I couldn't clearly see their faces.

A drop of warm liquid came out from my left eye.

Going back to the empire means cutting all of my ties to these people. They won't be able to see me again and that goes with me, too.


Moments that the four of us spent together flashed before my sight. Yes, I just only spent a short time with them but I am already attached to their bond. Maybe it's because of what Fanny has said, I am the best version of myself when I'm with them.

When I'm with them, I can act freely and be myself. I'm not a Princess nor a Knight who has an empire to die for, but I was a friend who's willing to help them ʼtil my very last breath.


I know it's too selfish of me but I wanted to stay with Gintoki longer.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. If you come back to your world, your memories in this place will vanish. Also, the people in this world will forget about you, too."

I still want to cherish every memory I had with them.

"Uhm... Can you make a decision already because..." She pointed to the place where Gintoki was. They were running to us at a fast pace.

"Oh, shoot. Fuck. I need to retreat. Bye! See you next time!" she said and entered the portal, leaving me in this world again.

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