Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


The feel of his lips landing on mine felt like a bucket of warm water hitting my icy cold skin. He felt soft warm and sweet and before I knew it I wrapped my arms around his neck. It wasn't a thought of my own it was like my body knew what to do before my mind and it reacted quickly.
His warm hands gripped my hips and for some reason they felt like they were on fire. His hair was soft like a baby's as I tangled my hands in it to hold on. He kissed me like he was thirsty and I was a water fountain. It made me dizzy suddenly I wanted him. In more ways then just a kiss I wanted my body wrapped around his.
His smell kiss and touch enveloped me like a glove and when his tongue dipped into my mouth i actually moaned. Which surprised the hell out of me. Surprised me so much I actually pulled away at that intense moment. When I stared up at his purple eyes they were dazed over with want and by the way my skinned warmed I could tell mines was as well.
I felt entrapped by his gaze unable to look away from his beautiful eyes.
"Oh what a beautiful disgusting scene" said a familiar voice that had my skin crawling. Right out of the dark of the cave stepped out Dustin his arms crossed and a frown on his face. "Now what would demetris think of this little scene" he said tapping his foot on the floor. Kalen face had gone pale as he stared between Christian and Dustin. "What is going on" he asked looking over at his brothers who looked just as confused. "Dustin please" Christian coughed looking at his brother with a pleading look on his face.

Dustin growled at his brother "I told you not to call me that" he said before disappearing and moving so fast I couldn't see him until he punched Christian in his chest. He had hit him so hard it sent Christian and Kalen brothers flying. They crashed into the cave wall. "Christian" I screamed turning in his direction. He was slumped against the wall but Kalen brothers got up quickly growling towards Dustin.

"Who the hell is that" Kalen asked growling so hard his chest shook. "He's Christian twin brother he was behind everything the whole time" I said glaring over at Dustin who smiled at us. Kalen pushed me behind him as Dustin laughed "oh no I wish I could take all the credit." We looked at him confused but he didn't give us a answer instead he dashed in our direction. Kalen and his brothers growled loudly holding their ground.
They crashed like thunder and lightening fist were flying and bodies tumbled together. I backed up and then remember Christian I turned towards him running to his side. "Oh my god Christian it will be ok" I said using my tied hands to brush across his face. He didn't move and that worried me even more. Thinking quickly I tried to untie Christian chains. I fumbled dumbly wishing my hands were untied. A loud crash had me jumping and looking over at the fight.

Dustin didn't have not one scar on him but kalen and his brothers were beat up and bleeding. They didn't look so well. The bald one had crashed into the wall and Kalen and the other one circled around him. "Rage you ok" Kalen asked glancing back at his brother. Rage pushed hisself off the wall "nothing but a scratch" he said dusting himself off. Dustin laughed "you guys are pathetic I thought since my brother trained you you'd be better" he said looking at all of them sighing. They all growled approaching him slowly eyes on their kill. The smile never left his face. "As fun as it would be to continue playing with you I have other agendas" he said glancing over at me which caused a shiver to travel down his spine.
Before they could respond to his words he dashed our way. I let out a little shriek before trying to unbound my wrist. Before I knew it he was standing over me eyes gleaming darkly his arm swung back and I flinched at his raised arm. A second later a person stood in front of me his back facing me. Even without seeing his face I knew who it was. Those broad shoulders and that brown silky hair in a back ponytail. "Demetris" I said standing up as best as i can.
"How is Christian" he asked not looking back. I frowned down at Christian " he hasn't moved for a while I'm not sure" I said looking back up at demetris.

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