Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Being away from her was distasteful and painful.

After not being near her for a century or so now i had to use all my will to escape. She had fallen asleep in my arms.

She looked peaceful and relaxed lying comfortable in my arms. I moved swiftly but gently pulling her out my arms and laying her on the bed.

I laid her on her back and her dark blue hair pooled around her face and shoulder.

Without my thought in doing so my hand raked through it. It was something weird yet unique about how beautiful her hair was.

I looked up at her sleeping face. How beautiful she was.

Leaning away from her i walked towards the giant door between my room and the rest of my home.

Silently i opened the door glancing back at her to make sure she was still asleep. She was.

I walked out shutting and locking the door behind me. There was no way i was leaving it unlocked.

For one she could wake up and leave and another someone would probably go bother her. I didn't like either idea very much.

People around the castle were already all whispering and wondering who the strange mysterious girl was i had bring back.

Well it doesn't matter and shouldn't matter to them. I walked down the long hallway that lead to my office and study.

The red carpet under my feet was soft and warm. The walls were high even though it was five more floors above this one and two more below.

The walls had huge windows with colorful shards of red green blue and yellow which would look beautiful if the sun hit them.

The windows are always draped in a thick black cloth at dawn so i don't know how beautiful the windows look.

The outside covered in sun was a deadly mystery to me and i wouldn't mine keeping it that way. My office door hovered over me and i opened it walking into the room.

There was book shelves on each side of the wall that had a million books on each side. Two small brown couchs stood on each side of the door way.

My desk sat in the middle far back next to a huge clear window. I walked to it slowly unbuttoning the first three buttons on my shirt.

I sat in my huge brown chair crossing my left leg over the other.

I looked down at the paper below me waiting for me to sign some ridiculous plan. I didnt even read the paper and i didnt have the patients to do it now.

Too many things were on my mind right now. Like the delicious woman just down the hall from me. I could still feel the pulse of her blood in my body.

Even now my fangs ached to pierce into her delicate soft skin again. Jyst tge feeling of ger was too intense for me to take.

I almost stood up to rush back to her. Sighing i grabbed my head rubbing it gently to stop my ill thoughts.

What was i thinking i basically raised her. The past few years though she blossomed out more then i thought possible.

I don't know why i deceived myself into thinking she'll still be that sweet little girl following me around calling me master. Well all the servants called me master but the way she said it seem different.

What fools of a parents she had to hand over such a delicate female to me. My hand came up to touch my nose she had broken. I laughed thinking about it.

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