Chapter 1

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-14 years later-

Looking at the scars on my hands only bring back painful memories. I put my hands down trying to concentrate.

I only had a week to hand in this information to the commander. Sighing i finished working on the hoard of papers on my desk.

After signing 10 different papers i looked at the clock on my desk. It was 2 in the morning. Huffing i finally got up from my desk deciding to finish tomorrow.

I pushed through the hallway and out the police station. The air was crisped and cold i zipped up my jacket and walked home.

Stars glitted the sky looking like diamonds leading me to my house. When i finally made it to my small red house i unlocked the door and walked in.

As soon as i walked in something felt wrong like i had an intruder. Looking around i noticed no windows were unlocked. Even the back door was secure.

I still didnt feel safe i pulled out my gun going into the house more. Who ever this person is might just be stupid. I mean who brakes in a police officers house.

I turned into my kitchen nobody was in here ethier. For a minute i gave up blaming my nerves for reacting like this. Then two hands came over my face blocking my version.

I reacted rather quickly i elbowed the person then tripped them. I turned my gun pointing at the stranger and turned on the lights.

I let out a relief aggravated breath and put my gun away. "Damn it jean a little restraint will you its just me" susan said rubbing her head.

I sighed "if you quit trying to be sneaky i just might" i said to my old friend. She stood up dusting off her pants "no sneakys fun" i shook my head "one day i might accidentally shoot you."

She smiled "yeah tell me that when your accuracy gets better." I rolled my eyes heading to the fridge "what do you want you evil little thing."

Sitting at the kitchen table she said "to remind you Jason party is tomorrow and to be ready at 7." I pouted to the table "do i have to" i complained.

She rolled her eyes "of course its my brothers birthday we have to party." I sulked in my chair "fine but only this once" she jumped up and down with joy. I laughed at her out burst.

After that we talked for a while and she left around 4 reminding me to be ready.

I took a bath and went to sleep hoping for good dreams tonight.


The fire blazed every where causing me to choke on smoke. I looked around i was looking for someone i knew it. I lashed out going into 20 different rooms.

I still didnt find what i was looking for. I cried the flames burned my throat hurt and i could hardly breath.

The fire moved as if it was alive following me. I wanted water but that was impossible for now. I circled another hall and came face first with a huge door. It had lions as handles and curve design lined the door. I knew this door i pushed on it and fell into a room licked with flames. It looked as if the fire was here but put out only leaving ashes in its wake.

I walked towards the huge bed in the center of the room. The covers had curves and dips as if someone was under it. I moved it only to grasp at a disfigured thing on the bed. Head twisted legs curled attached to his arms. My stomach burned and i turned to heave fire and smoke. It burned the ground leaving dark spots.

"This will be your doom" said the ugly thing i turned to look again braver this time. When i saw his mangled face i grasped his eyes looked so familiar.

I dare reach my hand out to touch but he burned up in flames in a burst.


I popped up on my bed and looked around. After realizing where i was i took deep breaths to calm my speeding heart. I have nightmares almost every night with fire in them. My guess is its from a past incident but when i tried to remember i only got bits and piece.

I looked towards my clock and sucked in a sharp breath. It was 5 going to six i had an hour to get ready for this party. Mind you a party i don't want to go to.

If i didn't get ready soon susan will kill me. I hopped out of bed and started to get ready.

After my shower i decided to wear a royal blue dress shirt that hugged my waist. A pair of black stretchy pants and my matching blue heels that had a bow on each side.

I added some accessories and a small black shoulder jacket to pull it off. My hair i put in a ponytail to the back adding a flower on top.

I looked at my outfit and shook my head approvingly. While appalling little makeup i heard the door ring. I walked to it and on the other side stood susan.

She had a red dress on that curved with her body black heels and a shoulder jacket as well. Her shoulder jacket had red stitching in it though.

The red made her green eyes stand out more looking like bright green grass. She smiled saying she liked and we left out to party.

The music blasted so loud i heard it 2 blocks away. We were heading to some new club they found called midnight. I didnt care much for parties but ill try to enjoy it for susan sake. She was almost bouncing out her seat. I laughed and took a swig of vodka.

I know im a police officer and all but for me when im off duty so is the law. When someone gets out of hand though i need to get serious again.

We finally found a parking spot and got out heading to the front door of the massive building. It looked dark inside like a disco lights bounced off all the walls and windows.

i got in line thats when i realized that susan kept walking. She turned noticing me not following her. "Come on" she said excitedly grabbing my arm. She pulled me to the front of the line where the bouncer looked us up and down. Susan flashed him something and he stepped aside letting us in.

I looked back puzzled "How did you do that" i questioned. She smiled back at me "jason knows a few people thats how he got his party here."

I was going to ask who he knew until i was pulled more into the party. There was people everywhere bodies mingled together. The music accelerated there need to dance.

I could feel myself being pulled in by that intoxicating feeling. I wander onto the floor and start dancing. Swaying and rotating myself i felt myself let free of the world. I dont like parties but i love to dance. Stubbornly susan joined me and danced along

Another song came on this one had more of a twist to it. I changed beat to catch up to it. Just as i was getting more into it two hands grabbed my waist pulling me towards them.

I looked up at my new dance partner and seen jason staring down at me. "You were always a good dancer" he whisper in my ear. I laughed at him "and you know i dont like parties" i finished.

He smiled "Then you should get a life" he turned us in a circle. I slapped his chest still smiling "I think im good where im at."

Then i felt this sharp sensation in my neck. I knew from instinct that someone was watching me. Jason laughed again "let me take you...." but i didn't hear what he said. I was too busy looking for my new stalker.

I looked all around me then i looked ahead. I dont know why i didnt see him before because he had this essence of standing out. He watched me with famaliar eyes that had me ready to run.

A smile pulled up on his face and he turned around. I could feel myself shatter with every step he took.

So i took a slow step forward and started running. In my head i thought i got to see him.

My mined flashed old memories. My body tighten with knowledge. He turned and looked at me before going around a corner.

I followed tripping and grasping for oxygen. There's no way that can be him.

I swallowed a gulp of air there no way thats Christian....


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