Chapter 12

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The office i had stepped in was decorated in an old fashion way. Thick red curtains lined the windows showing me a glance of the nights sky and the sparks of stars. The walls were painted in the darkest red and from the ceiling hung a golden chandelier. On each side of the walls were book cases. Some books were new some even older then me.

In front of me was a Mahogany desk with a couch and two chairs right in front of it. On the desk was an old 18 century lamp a sheet of paper and a pen. Nothing else sat on the desk. Sitting in the chair behind the desk golden red eyes watching me calmly was Romen.

He was leaned back against his chair his hand carelessly on his face. He was wearing a black button up shirt and a golden watch on his wrist where his sleeves were pulled back. He looked as relaxed and calm as always so unlike his tense brother.

After the meeting i was told to come talk to him before we went back. Frowning i sat on the couch in front of him crossing my legs and leaning back. When i was seated he leaned forward sitting up straighter all business now.

"It is good to see you demetris it has been a decade now since your disappearance" he said his eyes brightening a bit. I nodded "It had indeed sorry if my absences has caused any problems my liege" i said and he waved a hand dismissing my sentence.

"It was no problem the only alarm is that one of the purebloods had vanished without a trace for sometime" he said sighing "still time means nothing to us."

He closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them he was staring at me intensely. A slight chill went down my back. "What happened" he asked his voice tight and obeying "I'm sure your disappearance wasn't on purpose" he said not in a accusing voice but more like an interested one.

Shaking my head i folded my hands on my knee they tighten until i could clearly see the bones sticking out of my knuckles. "No my liege i was attacked and my house set on fire to seal me inside" i said as calm as possible.

His left eyebrow lifted in the air "attacked by whom." I thought back to all those years ago and tried to see the face but as always it was fuzzy and blurry it irritated me to no end and i snapped my fangs together angrily. "I cant remember my liege" he nodded his head slowly as if understanding.

"Well how did you escape" he asked and i shrugged. "That question is best served to my half-ling when i came too he was there" i said my hands loosening a bit.

"Christain" roman asked questioningly and i nodded. "So do you think he came and recused you even walking through fire" he asked seeming interested. "I have no doubt that he wouldn't my liege" i said and he sighed leaning back in his chair.

His golden hair curled around his face as he shifted in his chair. "Interesting" he whispered looking up at the ceiling and rubbing his chin with his hand. "Do you know why you were attacked" he asked looking back at me curiously.

I shook my head "i have no idea my liege i was never informed by the attacker" i pushed my hand through my hair. Sighing again he spun lightly in his chair "very confusing indeed."

It grew silent for a moment as he sat there turning left and right in his huge chair. "Where have you been for the past few years demetris" he asked looking intensely down at me.

I bite the inside of my mouth before answering. "While trying to escape my house i got badly harmed my liege i needed time to heal and before i knew it i woke up a decade later" i said and his eyes looked at me curiously.

"You say only a decade you were asleep so where have you been for the last four years and why didn't you inform anyone you were alive" he asked his eyebrows lifting in the hair together.

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