Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


I let out a irritated breath as I paced the room again the phone to my ear the loud ring buzzing in my ear. The receptionists who first answer was bouncing me all over the place except the one place I needed the call to go.

My hand tightened on the phone i already felt like I have been gone from her long enough and after that kiss I never wanted to be far from her ever. I was going to give up and slam the phone back on the hook with a very annoyed noise if he didn't finally pick up. "Romen speaking" he said his voice cool and collected. I sighed in relief "sir it is I demetris" he made a noise as if he was surprised I called him. "Oh and what business do you have to speak."

My hand tightened into a fist as I thought of my answer carefully. "Sir there is something I want to know about project P" I said my voice stern trying to express what he couldn't see on my face. He heard it because he grew quiet for a moment. "What about it" he said sounding truly curious which kind of surprised me. He never really seemed interested in anything "well I wanted to know what powers you know existed" I asked slowly. He grew quiet before he chuckled "you want to know the powers we found when project P was open" he asked as if I just asked him about the weather.

"Yes sir " I said biting my bottom lip. I could hear a sound as if he was moving before he spoke. "Well other then me and Kyza you have one of the strongest powers telekinesis then there's Christian with the power to make people see what he wants" my teeth ground together at the sound of my loyal fledgling. "Then there's Abe with the power to melt things with his eyes and Susan with the power to control someones every move. Kap has the power to control ice and Johnson can teleport which I think is a dumb power especially at the speed we move." I never heard him put his opinion so truthfully on anything.

"Sir no disrespect but I know of those powers I was there with you" he made a chuckling sound "yes of course then what do you want to know." I swallowed even though I honestly didn't need to "do you know of someone with the power to change their scent or someone else's" when I finished my sentence the other line of the phone grew so quiet that I was afraid the phones lost connection. "Sir" I asked at the silence. Suddenly a deep growl roared on the other end of the phone "whenever the scent was changed did you smell I don't know a small smell of vanilla" he asked his tone so direct and demanding I was standing straight up as if I was in front of him. "Yes sir but it was faint" I said feeling more and more confused.

"Finally" he said a hint of malice in his voice then suddenly he hung up. Pulling the phone away from my face I stared at it confused. I have never once seen romen angry but he sure sounded angry. Sighing irritated i put the phone back on the hook. I didn't get the information I was hoping to get when I called. I stormed out my office my fist tight at my side. "Master master" I heard a small high pitch voice call to me. I turned around nose flared as I looked into the big innocent eyes of Cher. She bowed immediately in my presence "please excuse me I came to bring jean food" she said lifting the tray to me.

On it was mash potato corn and some steak the smell burnt my nose. "When I went to your room no one answer so I went to look for you" she said smiling at me shyly. My chest started to hurt for some reason like something was wrong but I did my best to ignore it. Don't panic Jean can't open the door it's locked and she probably sleep. I took the plate of food from her "thank you Cher you are dismissed." I turned away only to be interrupted again. "Master sorry to bother you but I've been looking for Courtney for a while have you seen her" she asked a hint of worry in her voice. I glanced back at her small frame before waving my hand dismissively.

"She is probably off doing some chores or with the maids" I said walking away abruptly ending the conversation. "Oh ok" I could hear Cher say sadly behind me. I ignored the pain I heard in her voice as I quickly began to travel back towards my room. My chest began to hurt and that only worried me more as I stared at my door. Without another thought I quickly opened the door.

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