Chapter 5

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Fluke stood on the porch of his neighbors house, summoning the courage to finally knock on the wooded frame. After he had cleaned up and gotten the ingredients out of his hair, Earth helped him pick an outfit that wasn't too casual but also wasn't appropriate attire for a date.

Sporting his light gray sweater and loose fitted jeans, he waited for the other boy to answer the door and was soon met with a toned chest in front of his eyes. Looking up, he smiled at the taller man and waited for him to let him in.

"Come in." He spoke and Fluke didn't hesitate to walk past the door and in the elders' house.

He took in his surroundings and nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt a hand on the small of his back. "You can wait on the couch while I get the ingredients out." Ohm offered and Fluke nodded his head as he took a seat on the velvet cushions.

He gazed at the family pictures that littered the living room wall and gushed at the cuteness of Ohm when he was smaller.

"Who's this?" He heard a voice say from behind him as he turned around and met eyes with an older woman entering the living room.

"He's a friend from school. He's just here to help me remake the cookies you made." The boy in the kitchen spoke and she nodded her head. She came around to the couch and took a seat next to Fluke.

"Thank you for letting me into your home, Mrs. Thitiwat and I'm extremely sorry about the cookies." Fluke apologized and she shook her head.

"It's not a problem, honey. And please, call me mom." She said and Fluke widened his eyes.

"No, I really coul-"

"It's not a request," She interrupted and Fluke shut his mouth.

"Mrs. Thitiwat sounds too old for me and I think I'm gonna be seeing a lot of you. Ohm never has any friends over." She finishes and Fluke can't help but let out a chuckle.

"Mom!" Ohm says as he heads over to the couch and grabs ahold of the youngers wrist, pulling him to the kitchen.

"Don't listen to her, just look at the recipe." Ohm states as he hands the smaller the book and points at the page labeled "Chocolate Chip Cookies".

"Okay, so first we're gonna need brown sugar, white sugar, and butter. " Fluke ordered as he looked up to find Ohm leaning against the sink on his phone. He walked up to the other and tapped on his shoulder.

"Are you going to help me or...?" He questioned as Ohm smirked at the youngers request.

"You're the one who wanted to make the cookies. I told you, you didn't have to." He responded and Fluke felt his jaw drop.

He so wasn't gonna feel bad for going through with the plan. At that thought, his hand drifted to his back pocket to feel the permanent marker still in his jeans.

He was so close to victory.

"Fine, I can do it myself." Fluke grumbled as he went to the counter and started mixing the ingredients he needed for the base. When it was smooth he slowly added the eggs one by one and then the vanilla extract. He went back to the recipe book and added a pinch of salt before staring at the batter.

Something was missing.

He looked at the ingredients layed out on the counter and realized that Ohm forgot to get the chocolate chips.

"So much for getting all the ingredients." Fluke mumbled to himself as he started opening cabinets looking for the missing piece.

He came to the last cabinet and internally cursed as he saw the chocolate chips on the highest shelf. Goddamn his small height. He looked to Ohm and saw the older still on his phone and decided to get it himself. Fluke extended his arm to the bag on the shelf but to no avail. His legs sprung up as he tried to jump but he still couldn't reach it. He was about to ask Ohm for help before he felt a sudden warmth pressed against his back.

His body froze as he felt the others arm extend pass his and reach the bag above him. He turned around and gasped at their close proximity and locked eyes with the boy.

He felt the same lingering connection between them.

Before he knew it, tears had began to form at the corners of his eyes and his vision went blurry. A hand came up to his face and he flinched as Ohms' rough fingers gently wiped away his tears. He felt the warm liquid trickle down to his chin but was comforted by the warming hand caressing his cheek. Though no words were spoken, the silence was louder than he could ever imagine as Ohm reassured him through nothing but his gaze.

"How are the cookies coming out?" Ohms mom asked as she turned the corner into the kitchen and Fluke pushed himself out of his grasp. He turned to face the wall as he wiped the tears from my eyes and turned back around with a smile.

"Oh, was I interrupting something?" She questioned with a knowing look and he tried to hide the blush that spread across my cheeks.

"Of course not, I was just helping him get some ingredients." Ohm shrugged as she slowly nodded her head and made her way out.

"Hey, are you good?" He asked the younger who in return simply nodded his head.

"I'm fine, it's nothing. I'm good." Fluke reassured him as he grabbed the chocolate chips and added them to the batter. He looked back to see Ohm staring at him with a worried gaze and he turned back around and shook his head.

At this rate, he'll find out in no time.

The younger turned off his phone as the oven dinged and he grabbed a glove to take them out. After setting them on the stove, he smacked the olders' hand as he tried to steal one off the pan.

"You have to wait a couple minutes for them to harden before you can eat them." Fluke scolded and the older rolled his eyes.

"Yes, mom." He groaned as he went back against the sink and scrolled on his phone once again. Fluke turned off the stove and contemplated whether or not he should ask Ohm the question that's been bugging him for a while.

"How come you don't have friends over?" The smaller boy asked and Ohm looked up from his phone, sighing.

"My dad is really strict and he doesn't like it when people come over. " He answers and Fluke nods his head.

"Is it okay that I'm here right now?" He asked and ohm nodded his head.

"He's at work right now and he shouldn't be home for a couple more hours. You're good." He said and Fluke nodded his head once again. He lightly taps the surface of the cookie and smiles as it doesn't sink.

"The cookies are ready." Fluke alerts as he grabs one off of the tray and quickly puts it in his mouth.

Ohm suddenly latches his mouth onto the other end of the cookie, nearly giving Fluke a heart attack. Fluke freezes as a smirk makes its way to Ohms lips before a cough gets their attention. The older shoots back to his spot as Fluke looks up to the new guest in the kitchen.

"Hey dad." Ohm greets the older man and Fluke feels his blood run cold.


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