Chapter 8

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It took a couple of hours until Fluke had finally fallen asleep and that left Earth with nothing but time to concoct the perfect plan to hurt Ohm just as much as he had hurt his best friend.

He never thought that sending Fluke to his hot neighbors' house would end in him coming back crying, devirginized maybe, but never heartbroken. Of course, he would ask Fluke all about it later, but for now, it was time to give him the worst revenge Ohm had ever seen. There wasn't a lot of options for Earth to think of since he barely knew the guy, but there was one thing that he knew could hurt Ohm. Something that when taken away, would absolutely destroy him.

The swim team.

According to the student code of conduct, a player for any team registered under every school district has to set an example for all of the other kids. That means that nobody is allowed to be caught with any illegal substances on or off campus, that includes drugs or more importantly, alcohol.

Not trying to brag, but Earth was known for his famous peach daiquiris whenever him and Fluke  wanted to relax for the weekends, so he had no problem with getting his hands on a bottle of alcohol or two. All he had to do was slip a bottle into his bag without him knowing and make an anonymous tip to the school that a certain swim team captain was behaving rather inappropriately on school grounds. Of course, plans are always much easier before you actually have to put them in action.

Getting the alcohol was easy, it took less than an hour for him to get his hands on a brand new bottle of his finest booze, but it took a couple of minutes for him to question whether it was worth it to put a good bottle to waste. Flukes tear stained face came back into his head and he decided that nothing would be more worth it than this. The day started off like it normally would, except for the fact that Earth was sweating bullets when he realized the gravity of the situation he was in.

"Are you okay?" Fluke asked as he eyed Earths slightly shaking figure when they pulled into the parking lot of the school. Fuck, he really didn't think this through. He never even thought of the possibility that he could get caught with the bottle before it ever even got into the captains backpack. Hopefully, if everything went according to plan, he could simply get him reprimanded without any suspicion pointing back to him whatsoever. Lord, please let this go smoothly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little worried about the physics test later today." Earth lied because he's a liar. He always hated lying to the one person he trusted but it was times like this where a little fib was what was best for everyone involved.

"Don't worry, I know that you're gonna do fine. Do you wanna study a little before we go in?" Fluke questioned as he reached for the olders backpack from the backseat and Earth felt his soul leave his body.

"NO!" He screamed as he grabbed Flukes wrist and tugged it away from his secret-keeping bag. Fluke looked at him stunned and Earth immediately regretted reacting so harshly.

"I'm sorry, its just that I'm... hiding your birthday present in there!" Earth held his breath as he smiled awkwardly, waiting for Fluke to either catch him in a lie or believe him. The fact that Flukes birthday had past not even 2 months ago had apparently left the younger as he threw his arms around Earth, pulling him in for a tight hug.

"I love how caring you always are, Earth. Thank you for always being there for me." Fluke whispered and just like that, all of the worries Earth had disappeared like nothing. This was the reason he was risking it and even if he did get caught, he was sure that he would do it all over again.
"Anything for you, baby. Now come on, let's get to class before the bell rings."
They separated from their hug and walked into school, one ready to ace their physics test while the other was ready to ruin someone's life.

Earth had it all worked out, during fifth period when Ohm was swimming, he would sneak in to the locker rooms and place the bottle in his backpack. If he had enough time, he would take something out of his backpack so that Ohm couldn't tell that it had gotten any heavier. The perfect plan. He would now go by the name Indiana Jones for his astounding stealth and agility. 

It was a miracle he hadn't broken the bottle with the way he was constantly throwing his backpack around, but when fifth period finally came, he was ready to go. On a totally unrelated note, it's safe to say that he completely bombed his physics test but that was a problem for another day. 

After asking to use the bathroom, he sprinted to the locker rooms, thanking the lords above that it was actually unlocked as he quietly entered the room. He closed the door behind him and it wasn't until that moment that he saw the first flaw in his plan. 

How the hell was he going to break into his locker?!

Now, Earth was a master in many fields but unfortunately, the art of breaking and entering was not one of them. He wasn't even sure which locker was Ohms and at this point, it was easier to just kill him and call it even. As Earth paced the room thinking about ways to fix the major chip in his scheme, the sound of footsteps approaching made him snap his head to the noise. He bolted across the floor, frantically looking for any place to hide when he found a hamper sitting against the wall. Without a second thought, he jumped into the pile of clothes and had to stop the gags that left his mouth at the smell. Fluke better cook every meal for him until the day he dies for what he's doing for him! 

He held his breath as he found the courage to peek his head out of the bin and see if the coast was clear. To his distain, the coast was in fact not clear and there was a potential witness standing not 5 feet from where he was hiding. To his pleasure, the guest that he had so suddenly encountered was none other than Kao Noppakao, dripping wet with nothing other than a towel covering the most important parts. 

You know what, maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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