Chapter 3

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"What's wrong, baby?" Earth asked as Fluke buried his face in his chest, his ears burning bright red.
"I hate the new kid." Fluke mumbled into the olders shirt as they walked to the car.

"Well, then I guess you're not going to like the news I have for you."

"Ugh, what can be worse than this?" Fluke questioned as they drove off, on their way to the neighborhood where they both lived.

"Guess who's gonna be our new neighbor!" Earth screeched enthusiastically and Flukes mouth fell open.

The universe just can't seem to be on his side, could it?

"Please tell me your kidding." Fluke whined as he banged his head against the window, a little too hard for his taste.

"Oh shit, that actually hurt." He rubbed his head as Earth laughed and they stopped at a red light.

"You're the one who waned to turn into the Hulk because a cute guy moved next door. You should be happy about this! Maybe you'll have windows that face each other so you can peep on him when he's changing and then slowly fall in love." Earth swooned as Fluke smacked him in the back of the head, the thought of him having to be around Ohm 24/7 left him with an uneasy feeling.

"This isn't a Taylor Swift music video, Earth. He probably doesn't even know that I live next to hi-. Wait a minute, what are you wearing?" Fluke questioned as he suddenly realized the new article of clothing that the older was wearing.

"Its Kao's." He replied, a blush flooding to his cheeks as he played with the jacket that was draped over his shoulders.

"What!?," Fluke yelled as they parked in the youngers driveway, getting out of the car as they made their way inside the house.

"How the hell did you end up with Kao's jacket?! Did you start stealing again?"

"What? No, he gave it to me. I was in my fourth period and this dude kept staring at me so I told him to buzz off, but he just wouldn't budge. Right before I was about to go up to him and bust a cap in his ass, Kao came and told him off and then he gave me his jacket! Now, I'm not one to play damsel in distress, but for Kao, I'd be the most distressed bitch in all of the land." Earth finished and Fluke stood there in shock.

"First Prem and now you? Why is everyone finding boyfriends except for me?" Fluke pouted and Earth pinched his puffed out cheeks.

"Don't worry boo, you're man is right there." Earth pointed out of the window to the moving truck that was right next to his house. Fluke sighed and turned away from the vehicle that was parked at his neighbors house.

"Actually, I have something to tell you. Come on, let's go upstairs." Fluke said as he dragged his bestfriend to his bedroom.

"He did what?!" Earth screamed as Fluke finally finished the story about everything that had happened when he had gone to the wrong class.

"That's kind of funny though."

"No, it's not! It's humiliating, how am I supposed to show up in front of people from now on?" Fluke questioned as he fell back on his bed, wondering why Ohm couldn't have cut him some slack on the first day.

"So what's the plan? You want me to beat his ass?"

"No, I want to get even."

"Oh damn, that sounds scary, what did you have in mind?"

"I don't even know," Fluke answered dejected.

"What could I do that would make him as embarrassed as he made me?"

All of sudden, a light bulb went off in Earths head.

"Get your bag, we need to do some shopping." Earth said as he sprang up, grabbing his keys and running downstairs.

"Wait, what's the plan?" Fluke yelled as he chased after the other, nearly tripping down the stairs to catch up with him.

"All you need to know is that he won't want to mess with you for a long time, or he'll actually kill you." Earth smiled as he made his way into the car with Fluke following right after.

He could already tell that he was going to regret everything he was about to do.

They walked into the store and went straight to the arts and crafts section and Fluke couldn't help but ask.

"What the heck are we doing here?"

Earth reached for a permanent marker and smiled, walking to the cash register and paying for it before hopping out of the store and back to the car.

"What, are we gonna draw a dick on his face in his sleep or what?"

"That's exactly what we're gonna do." Earth stated confidently and Flukes eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"What are we, in 3rd grade? We can't do that!"

"You know how the saying goes, 'Snitches get dicks drawn on their face.' So that's what we're gonna do tonight."

"That's not how the saying go-"

"Just shut up and go along with it!" Earth said as he popped open the cap of the marker and took a whiff.

"Ahhh, the smell of sweet, sweet revenge."

Fluke really needed a better best friend, this one was kind of starting to scare him a little bit.

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