Chapter 7

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It was a little over half an hour into the movie when Ohms mom called them down for dinner. Fluke tried to take deep breaths as he slowly got up from his seat, reminding himself that Ohm was going to be right next to him the entire time. God, with the way that the older warned him about this dinner Fluke was expecting nothing less than an actual blood sacrifice on the dining room table. 

Ohm walked ahead as they made their way downstairs, the older taking a seat in the middle of the table as Fluke sat down right next to him. He awkwardly gazed at the man at the head of the table, waiting for him to begin eating before picking up his utensils and digging into the meat on his plate. If he had to die in this very moment, he's glad he got to eat some good food before taking his final breath. He had a knack for anything involving cooking and it took everything in his power to hold back a moan at the juicy tenderness on the other side of his fork. 

"I think it's safe to say that you liked what I picked for dinner today, Fluke." Ohms mom spoke and Fluke froze in his place, his fork stopping mid air as he let out an awkward smile. Was he really making it that obvious that he was ten seconds away from a food orgasm? 

"It's delicious, Ms, Th- I mean mom." He corrected himself and almost immediately patted himself on the back as he saw her bright smile thrown his way. As a smile reached his own lips, he turned to look at Ohms dad and felt a chilly atmosphere fill the air. 

"Mom?," He questioned with a chuckle that didn't sound quite right. "I didn't know how close he already was to be calling you 'mom'." 

An eerie silence fell around them as Fluke placed his fork besides his plate, putting his head down as he chewed the flesh of his bottom lip. It had only been a couple of minutes and he already managed to mess up something. Oh, how he wished he could be at home with Earth right now, eating whatever new recipe Fluke had wanted to try and watching a movie as they shared any gossip the other had learned. But instead, he was stuck in one of the most awkward dinners hes ever attended which will most likely lead to someone in tears. And he's almost 100% sure it's going to be him. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's nothing to apologize for Fluke. With the way you were so abruptly invited in, it's natural to confuse hospitality with an actual closeness." 

Ouch. That one did sting a tiny bit. 

"Dad!" Ohm voiced as he looked at Flukes sullen posture next to him. 

"What, did I misspeak?" 

"I asked him to call me that, Nirut. He wasn't being disrespectful he was just being thoughtful." She defended the younger boy as he kept his head down and stared at the pattern on the table cloth below. He felt like he was being scolded by his parents for disrespecting an elder and he could already feel the guilt rising up. 

"Don't worry about him sweetie, just eat your food. You're fine." She said softly as she leaned closer to Fluke, the younger giving a small nod in response as he continued to eat the dinner prepared for him, this time a little less enthusiastic about the mouth watering taste. 

"So, I hear that you enjoy cooking." Ohms dad spoke once again and Fluke stuck with just nodding his head, not trusting himself to hold back anything incorrect if he opened his mouth again. 

"Did you not find any sports that interested you? Ohm is the captain of the swim team but of course with your fragile build, I wouldn't expect anything less than a woman's job." He finished and Fluke really regretted not just cutting his losses and letting Ohm get away with being a dick.

"Dad, that enough." 

"What? I'm just making some small talk. It's not like he needs you to stand up for him every time I say something like he's some sort of pansy. Unless, I'm not far off the mark?" He questions and Fluke drops his fork on the plate in shock, wincing at the clash it made on the ceramic. Was it really that obvious?

He had barely had the guts to come out to Earth about his sexuality, let alone some stranger who he just met not even an hour ago. As he felt his body start to shake, he dug his nails into his thigh, cursing every god he could reach that he had to be here and listen to someone demean him for every imperfection he could find. He knew it wasn't normal that he couldn't find women attractive, god how he tried to find any ounce of his body that even remotely liked the opposite gender. He hated the fact that he couldn't be like everyone else and that he had to be stuck with a stupid attraction to boys. 

As soon as Ohm rose to his feet, his fists hitting the hardwood table below him, a ringtone halted any protests from his throat. Fluke quickly fished his phone from his pockets and apologized for the intrusion, placing the phone to his ear as he nearly collapsed at the news from the other end. 

"There's a WHAT?!" He questioned as he got up from his seat, the table looking at him expectantly as he ended the call and scooted his chair back. 

"I am so sorry for being rude but there's an emergency at home that I really have to attend to. Thank you so much for having me over and the food was delicious." Fluke hurriedly explained as he ran to get his shoes and his coat. 

"Wait, Fluke!" He ignored the olders protests and ran out the door, stumbling onto the porch as he looked up at the rain pouring down around the house. 

Of course it was raining. 

Fluke threw away his composure and ran under the water until a hand grasped his arm, turning him around to face the same chocolate brown eyes hes started to become familiar with. 

"Wait, Fluke please. I'm sorry." Ohm apologized and Fluke shook his head in response. 

"It's fine, Ohm. Go back inside it's raining." 

"No, Fluke I'm-

"He's not wrong." The trembling boy confessed and he felt his heart crack when Ohm quickly released Flukes arm from his grip. Fluke managed to mess it all up for himself didn't he? 

Deciding that he didn't want to see the look of disgust on the olders face, he turned back around and sprinted towards his house, opening the door and slamming it shut as he looked around the house in fear. His eyes landed on Earth sitting on the couch and he stared at him in confusion. 

"I-I thought you said you started a fire in the kitc-"

"There's no fire in the kitchen, Fluke. Come here." The older spoke as he reached his arms out for the younger. Fluke couldn't help the tears that broke through his barriers, running into Earths arms as he sobbed into his chest. 

"It's okay, it's okay." Earth whispered as he soothingly rubbed his back, trying to calm the smaller boy in his arms. 

"How did you know?" Fluke questioned as he clutched on to the fabric underneath his fingertips, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. 

"A best friend knows." He replied as he pressed a kiss to his forehead, simultaneously thinking of all of the ways that he could hurt Ohm.

Because nobody hurts his best friend and gets away with it.

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