Chapter 4

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"Okay, so first we're gonna need a way in. Either you have to stay over for a project or-"

"Hold up, why am I the one doing this? You're the one that wants to draw human genitalia on someone's face!" Fluke reminded him, as he thought of all of the things that could possibly go wrong. He could literally kill him if he wanted to (not that he would mind in the slightest).

"But I'm not the one he embarrassed in front of an entire class so..."
"You do have a point." He succumbed and Earth racked his brain for ways that he could get his best friend into the new kids room.

"Do you have eggs and flour?" Earth asked as he went to the kitchen and tied an apron around his waist and Fluke nodded his head.

"Why do you need those?"

"Because we're going to be welcoming neighbors and make some brownies for the boy next door." 

"Oh shit, I think it was 3 tablespoons, not cups." Earth says lowly and Fluke groans.

"Goddamit, Earth. Just let me do it." Fluke snatched the box from his hands and continued to pour the correct measurements into the mixing bowl. He would have done it all himself but the older had insisted that he wanted to try his hand in baking as well. After the third batch of brownies went down the drain, Fluke decided that it was time to take matters into his own hands.

Fluke wiped his hands on his apron and gently placed the pan in the oven, setting the timer to 25 minutes. He turned around to check on Earth who had been surprisingly quiet, only to be met with a face full of flour.

"What the fu-" Another hand full of flour to his face.

"Game on." Fluke snarled as he grabbed the bag and dunked his hand into the powder, watching as it flung across the kitchen and on to Earth's hair. Earth gasped and immediately went for the sugar, not even bothering to scoop with his hand as he threw the bag at Flukes chest.

Fluke caught the bag, dropping the flour, as a breath of air escaped his chest and he looked up to a small boy running full speed in his direction. Earth tackles him to the ground, sugar and flour covering the floor as they both groan, laughing at the mess they had made.

And as for the finale, Earth sneaks a hand onto the counter, grabbing an egg and cracking it on the youngers forehead. 

"Hey, we didn't say anything about the wet ingredients!" Fluke yelled as he felt the cool liquid slowly dripping to the side of his head. Earth shrugs his shoulders and throws him a smug smile before a knock erupts through the house. 

"Were you expecting someone?" Earth asks and Fluke shakes his head, making his way to the peep hole. 

"Holy shit, it's him." Fluke whisper-screams as he runs back to Earth, shaking his small body back and forth. "Him who?" Earth asks before a voice interrupts them. 

"Is anybody home?" A deep voice calls out and Fluke thinks he's literally going to shit his pants. Earth drags his arm to the door and presses his ear against the wood. "I think he's gone." Fluke finishes before Earth grabs his arm, reaching for the locks and quickly saying an apology before opening the door and throwing his friend at the cute boy next door. 

Fluke stumbles onto the porch, Ohm catching the small boy in his arms before he met the pavement. Fluke looks up at the tall male and locks eyes with his piercing brown orbs. The same connection was felt as he stared into his gaze, something about it just feeling so right. Like he was exactly where he belonged. "Are you planning on moving anytime soon or did you just want to stay in my arms for the whole day?" He asks and the smaller boy immediately snaps out of his trance, pushing himself out of his grasp. 

"I-I'm so sorry about that." He stuttered out as he mentally slapped himself in the face for stumbling his words. "What brings you here?" He questions, placing a hand on the door knob behind him, ready to run away if needed. 

"I came to deliver these cookies my mom had baked since we just moved in." He answers as he points to the plate on the floor, cookies broken next to it. 
"Oh, did you have to drop the plate to catch m-. Yeah, I'm sorry about that." Fluke looks down as Ohm picks up the cookies and puts them back onto plate.

"I'll just take them back home and ask her to remake them." He says and a loud coughing comes from inside the house. Fluke stands in his spot, confused at what Earth was trying to say before it hits him.

"I could help you remake them!" He yelled, a little too enthusiastically. "Uh, I don't think I need your help in baking." He says as he points at the youngers appearance, his face falls as he remembers the ingredients covering his upper body. "Oh, this? It was nothing. I'm actually a really good baker and I could get ready really quick and head over to help. It's the least I could do after I ruined them." Fluke nearly begged but he could still see the hesitation in his eyes. "It's kind of late already." Ohm tried to reason but Fluke shook his head. 

"Really, it's not bother. I love baking, no matter the time." Fluke laughed and Ohm nodded his head. "Okay, I'll see you in a bit I guess." The taller stated as he left the porch, entering his own house and Fluke couldn't contain the excitement. He couldn't believe he was actually going through with it. That was way easier then he had thought, but now he had to figure out what he was going to wear. 

But only after he had strangled the life out of Earth. 

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