6. New house, new beginning

Start from the beginning

Eda waited for him to enter the room before she got up and went to find Engin in his office.

"Engin, can I ask you a question?"

"Tabi canim. What is it?"

"It's about Selin. Does she have any architectural background?"

"Hmm I don't think so. Why?"

"I was just curious that's all."

"Well I am not 100% sure but, wait, let me ask Piril. Piril!" he called for the red haired woman who soon joined them. "Do you know if Selin has any knowledge in architecture?"

"No, she doesn't. She is only doing management and public relations that's all."

"Tamam... And do you think she could harbour negative feelings towards Serkan?"

"No. I don't think so," Engin frowned.

"Why are you asking us these questions Eda?"

"It was just a thought that had crossed my mind and I was curious that's all. Thank you!"

Eda quickly exited the room leaving two very confused Piril and Engin behind wondering what were those questions all about. Eda went to her desk to collect her things before she went to Serkan to let him know that she was ready to go have lunch with him. They left the building together and went to one of Serkan's favourite restaurants just around the corner of the street. They sat at a remote table in the corner of the room by the big window and ordered two fish salads and green smoothies. While they were waiting for their orders Eda looked out the window at the beautiful orange trees that were standing tall in the nearby park meanwhile Serkan was watching her. When she diverted her eyes from the scenery and turned back toward Serkan she noticed his staring and smiled.

"Ne?" she asked chuckling.

"Nothing. Just admiring you."

"I see."

"What were you thinking about? You seemed so lost in thought."

Eda sighed. "I was just thinking about the last time you and I went on a walk around the park."

"Do you miss it?"

"Actually, more than the walks, I miss the way everything felt when we were together in the beginning. No troubles with work or families – or at least not too many –," Serkan smiled a little, "just us learning about each other..."

"...driving each other crazy..."

"But falling more in love daily."

Serkan reached across the table to take her hand in his and stroked it. "Eda, I will make everything for you to feel this again. I don't know if you remember when I told you so, but I am completely addicted to you Eda Yildiz. I was then and I am now. And I will always be."

Eda blushed slightly as she looked at their joined hands. She bent forward and whispered. "And you Serkan Bolat, still make my blood boil."

He gave her his most handsome face, the one that made her hairs stand up on her arms. She felt a shiver run down her entire body as she looked at his luscious lips not even an inch away from hers. They had to part though as the waitress brought them their orders. They let each other's hands go and smiled in complicity before they started savouring their meals.

Eda and Serkan had just entered the company building, and were each going to their respective desk and office when Selin walked decidedly towards Eda.

"Are you looking for me?" she asked directly.

Eda immediately understood her question and smiled a little in defiance. "No, I am not. It's just that someone changed the numbers of the blueprints on the printer."

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