25. Wishes and foreboding

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 A/N: Just trust me on this. Enjoy! ;)

The party was already going strong by the time Eda and Serkan made it to Art Life. People were chatting and drinking in small groups and a fun and light atmosphere was floating in the air. Serkan helped Eda get rid of her coat before he did the same. He put a hand on the small of her back and led her to the conference room where a buffet had been laid out on the long table.

They greeted everyone happily but Eda's smile dropped slightly when she noticed Balca in a corner of the room talking with a man that she knew to be her grandmother's pawn. She rolled her eyes as she joined her friends at their table while Serkan went to fetch something in his office.

"So, tonight is the night!" Ceren said. "How are you feeling?"

"Good. We won't have to hide anymore at least."

"You don't seem too happy though." Fifi frowned.

"It's just that I would have preferred not to see Balca here. Can you actually believe that she came to our home tonight to ask Serkan out?" Eda told them what had happened just before they arrived. The girls were awestruck. "Though I feel like Serkan has something planned for her."

"Like what?" Melo asked. "Do you think he'll fire her?"

Eda shrugged. "I don't know. We'll have to wait and see I guess. Where is he by the way?"

Eda scanned the room in search of her husband but she couldn't see him anywhere. She also realised that the PR manager and Semiha's man were nowhere to be seen either. She furrowed her brows and excused herself to go look for Serkan. She was about to leave the room when she finally saw Serkan coming her way. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Serkan," she let out as she put her arms behind his neck and hugged him. "Neredesin sen?"

"Iyi misin?" He asked leaning back to study me.

"Iyiyim. I just got worried when I didn't see you."

"I was in my office. I was checking something with Engin."

She frowned. "Is everything alright?"

"Don't worry aşkım. Gel. I think we have something important to tell everybody. Are you ready?"

Eda nodded and gave him a smile. "Evet."

He kissed her forehead then intertwined his fingers with hers. They walked in the conference room hand in hand in front of their colleagues, families and friends. Serkan took two flutes of a sparkly non-alcoholic drink and handed one to Eda. Then he grabbed a fork and clinked it on his to grab everyone's attention.

"Arkadaşlar, I'd like to say a few words." Serkan announced. "First of all, I would like to thank you all for being here tonight. This year has been full of wonderful projects but also challenges. We conquered them all and it would not have been possible without you. I know I don't say it a lot but I am very proud and happy for every single one of you. Except maybe you Erdem; I still don't know why you work here ama neyse." People laughed while Erdem tried to hide behind a glaring Fifi. "So thank you." They clapped and when it died down, he spoke up again.

"Now, as many of you may have guessed already, Eda and I are back together. And not only that but we got married yesterday!"

Gasps were heard among the crowd as they started clapping and whistling loudly. While the news of them being together had not surprised anyone, the news of them having tied the knot sure did. Weren't their boss and his girlfriend – now turned wife – fighting not even a week before? They were so confused but happy for the couple.

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