Vanquished Vows (💍)

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A/N: I'm aware at the beginning of this story that it isn't in Harry's favor but please hang in with me! Thank you! :)

You laid on a bed that wasn't yours, completely spaced out. Harry was in the shower, you could hear it running. This was the first time you'd ever been to Harry's in all the years you had been sleeping together.

It was the usual cliché. The secretary was being screwed by the boss. Though you wanted it to be so much more you knew Harry didn't feel the same. For living alone he had a bigger house. You stretched and closed your eyes, hearing the shower turn off.

You turned your back to the bathroom door and pretended to snore, just seeing what Harry would do if he thought you were sleeping. You heard a lot of rustling and then there was a dip in the bed.

Your back was a bit cold from Harry moving the covers off of it. He started to trace little patterns into your back and you smiled, not moving. You didn't want to ruin the moment. "Mm. You're awake." He said, smiling softly.

You turned around and smiled up at him, "How'd you know?" Harry smiles and kisses your head, "You hate when I do that while you're asleep. You usually end up sleeping on my hand. It isn't the most comfortable thing... but it's one of those little things you do..."

You giggle and grab his hand, kissing it. You scooted close to his chest and buried your face in it, closing your eyes and thinking. Harry wrapped his arms around you and rubbed the back of your head, every so often kissing it. "You're in one of your little thought bubbles again."

He knew you so well and you hated it sometimes. "Talk to me lovely." He commanded, rubbing your neck.

You sighed softly, "You won't like it... you never do..."

Harry sighed, knowing exactly what you were talking about. "I don't believe we need a label to keep our relationship strong. We've been together for all these months now."

You pushed yourself away from him, "We've been sleeping together for a year and a half Harry."

"Is that not what I said? I didn't specify how many months exactly!" He reached for you but you sat up.

"That's the point. We've been together for so long now! This is the first time I've been to your home. I've told you that I'm in love with you countless times but you always find some way to change the subject. It's disgraceful. My mum asks me who I'm seeing and I can't even tell her because you like the adventure of us being a secret! It sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me Harry." You started to pick your clothes up from the floor.

"(Y/N)... please. I didn't know you felt like that!" He stands with you, picking up your clothes to keep them from you, rather than help you leave. He was clever.

"Well maybe if you actually took some time to listen to me you would!" You shook your head and yanked your clothes from him, putting them on quickly.

"Let me walk you out." He whispered, a desperate fear in his eyes. You shook your head and walked out of the door, Harry followed after you quickly and you opened the wrong door. You stared into a child's bedroom. You blinked at the room and looked at Harry.

His hand was on the bridge of his nose, his eyes closed. "Harry..." you whispered, dread filling your heart. "Harry please tell me this is a joke."

Harry stayed silent and walked back to his room. You saw a picture on the child's nightstand. You walked into the room and picked it up. You gulped softly and stared at the woman in the picture. "She's dead... she has to be... he couldn't lie to me like this..." you whispered, going back to Harry's room, "Is she dead? Please... please don't tell me I'm your mistress. I'm no home wrecker Harry!"

Harry didn't look at you. He didn't make a sound. You shook your head and threw the picture onto the bed, storming out. You got in your car and drove off, you weren't sure where it is you were going, but you had to get out of London.

A/N: This is part one! Please proceed to part three if you wish to continue to read!

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