When Dawn Comes (🦁 NSFW)

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"(Y/F/N). Please tell us why you are here today." A voice said, looking at you. You stared into the man's eyes, "I'm the best thief in this side of Europe. You hired me to steal a piece of artwork."

"This art work is?" The man leaned forward, he had brown hair and wore glasses.

"Haystacks. Dawn." You answered. It was an easy job, especially because the man you were stealing from was your ex. Lionel Shahbandar. You knew his house like the back of your hand and knew exactly where the painting was.

It was only a year ago that you and Lionel had split. You'd come to terms that the man was too selfish for his own good, but then again, it was you who wept for his embrace each night.

"Ms. (Y/L/N)." The man barked. You raised your brows and looked at him, dismissing Lionel from your mind. "We have a dress and everything you need."

"No need. I already have my things in order. I'll return here in the morning to give you your painting." You got up and left the office you were in without a word.

Tonight you were to attend the annual Shahbandar gala. It was a masquerade. When dating Lionel you looked forward to his parties every year, your favorite being the masquerade. He loved to throw parties for you, but eventually he stopped and the two of you grew apart as he grew closer to a secretary.

Once you arrived home you looked at the invitation Lionel had sent you. Usually he would send you a personally addressed one, but this one was just a print out. He probably forgot to take your apartment off the mailing list.

You started to get ready, you wore a golden dress that had a slit running up your thigh. It went perfectly with the mask you planned on wearing. It was a lioness mask, the one you always used to wear.

You picked it up off your bed and looked at it, the black silk ribbon on the sides fell into your hands and you closed your eyes. You didn't want to wear it but you knew you had to if you wanted to blend in. No one would question your snooping around if you looked like you were Lionel's girl.

You walked to the vanity and sat down, looking at yourself in the mirror. You felt Lionel's warm hand on your shoulder as he tied the mask. But much to your disappointment he wasn't there, only a figment of your imagination.

You tied the mask on your face and cleared your throat, your town car would be arriving soon to pick you up. You got up and made some last minute adjustments before grabbing your clutch and going to wait on the car.

Once the car arrived the man who hired you stepped out. You got up and he offered his hand, you took it smiling. "Are you attending the party?" You asked, getting into the car.

"No. I'm making sure you don't stray from the plans. I have eyes all over (Y/N). If you fail I'll be revoking your pay. You wouldn't want that. Now would you?" He says creepily, looking at your dress.

"No." You said simply. The car ride was silent as you meditated and remembered your plan. At every turn and stop the pit in your stomach grew. Your thoughts drifted from the plans and went to some of you and Lionel's most intimate moments.

Once a year in the fall time Lionel and you would walk to the deep woods and find a place to camp out to take pictures of the leaves and the trees getting ready for the winter. Lionel of course hated it, but he did it for you. Maybe he wasn't so selfish after all...

You pulled yourself from your thought as you saw the tall lion statue that stood in front of Lionel's house. You took a deep breath and looked to your boss once more, he nodded and the car came to a stop. The driver got out and opened your door, helping you from the car.

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