Vanquished Vows (💍 PART 2)

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~Three Years Later~

You now resided in Manchester. You were alone at your usual bar, trying to get some form of affection from some guy. It was about closing time now you laid your head on the bar and the tender slapped your bill down, "Pay up (Y/N), today's tab and last nights." You sighed softly and pulled out your card, handing it to the man.

He plucked the card from your fingers and swiped it. "Declined." He said loudly. You roll your eyes and took your card back.

"I'll get it." A familiar voice said. You sighed and closed your eyes tightly. You knew that voice from anywhere, you'd never heard one like it. Closing your eyes made it worse, all the images you repressed came back, the last thing ringing in your ears was him moaning your name for the entire street to hear.

"You look a mess lovely..." he rubbed your back softly and you sighed loudly.

"I don't think you're the one who needs to be calling me a mess, Harry." You got up, walking out, and didn't even look at him. Harry followed closely behind you, you could feel his presence. "Won't your wife wonder why you have a charge on your card from a bar in Manchester?" You shoved your hands into your pockets.

"My ex wife." He retorted, catching up and walking beside you. You wanted to cry, you wrecked a home. Success.

"Just- leave me be... please Harry..." You kept your head down and your eyes low, trying to keep from crying. As much as you hated to say it, you were still in love with the ass.

Harry sighed softly and grabbed your shoulders. "Come with me for tonight. A mutual friend informed me that you had been staying with them because your water got shut off."

Oh Tony was dead. "I don't want to stay with you. I want to go stay in a solid bed, not a hotel." You tried to break from him but he forced you to look at him. You looked into his eyes and those dorky glasses. You quickly wiped away a tear.

"I'm not in a hotel. I live here in Manchester. My office moved locations. Just one night."

You sniffled and nodded softly, you needed a shoulder to cry on. Harry wrapped his arm around your waist and took you to his flat. He sighed and threw his keys to the side once you entered. You looked around and smiled softly at the pictures of him and his kids.

Many of the pictures he was making goofy faces, one the children were in lobster costumes. You giggled and smiled at Harry.

"We have to be quiet... the children are upstairs in their beds. I know it's bad to bring a woman home... but their mother is coming to pick them up tomorrow for her weekend." You nodded and hugged him from behind. He flinched softly and then smiled, "Hello there..." he whispered.

You smiled and kissed his cheek, "I can see you're a good dad... no need to justify yourself."

Harry smiles and sighs softly, "I regret to inform you that there is only one bedroom, mine. I can take the couch if you'd like, but if you're ok with it, it can accommodate both of us easily."

You smiled, "No need to make my host uncomfortable."

Harry nodded and lead you to his bedroom. You smiled softly and sighed, you missed when things were like this, you missed Harry and his brilliance. His room was very set and organized, everything having a place. "I missed this you know..." you whispered softly, sitting on his bed.

Harry hummed and started to unbutton his shirt, "I did too... more than you know lovely." He walks over to you and places a soft kiss onto your forehead. He tickled you softly under your chin, that always made your heart flutter and he knew that. You looked at the untouched side of the bed and laid down on the soft pillow.

"How do you get up in the morning... this is so... comfortable..." you giggle softly and kick off your shoes, crossing your legs.

Harry looks at you and chuckles, "My children. They love to come in here... jump on the bed. Demand pancakes." You smile at the mention of his kids, you could tell he really was taken by them.

"Do you and your wife have a shared custody?" You ask cautiously, taking your tight jeans off. You forgot you were wearing Harry's favorite kind of underwear and quickly hop under the covers.

Harry shakes his head and takes his watch off, "No. We have an agreement. She sees them every other weekend. They were old enough to make a decision and they choose me."

You nodded softly and stretched, "I bet that's great for a bachelor." You smiled and Harry laid beside you, "Well it's not bad... especially when that same bachelor can't stop thinking about one woman he mistreated three years ago."

You sighed and looked away, "Yeah..." you mumbled. Harry sighed and absentmindedly rested his hand on your hip. His warm hand engulfed your side and you saw his expression change slightly when he felt a certain silk. "I thought I tore that demon pair to shreds." His husky voice growled.

You shook your head and turned away from him, closing your eyes, "Bought another pair... my favorites."

Harry hummed, you could feel his now nervous behavior radiate off of him. "You can touch..." you said softly, looking back at him to look into his eyes.

Harry grabbed your hip and pulled you close to his body, your back flushed against his chest. There was no sign of arousal, just comfort. You smiled, this is what you thought was sexy. Just laying there with Harry was enough for your heart to melt. You missed the man so much and you couldn't help it.

A couple of minutes of just taking your time with Harry in you heard Harry's snores. You smiled and turned around, taking his glasses off and setting them on his bedside table. You watched his face as he slept. He held you tightly and respectfully. You placed a soft, quick kiss to his lips and cuddled into his chest, closing your eyes.

A/N: This is part two! Please proceed to part three if you wish to continue to read!

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