The Heart And Spoon (🥄 PART 2)

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You suited up in your armor and cleared your throat, you walked to the stables and started to put Loki's armor on, "Ready for another day?" You asked rubbing his side. Loki neighed and as you climbed onto him the Sheriff and the stallion from last night pulled in beside you.

"Early morning?" You ask, bringing Loki out of the stable.

"Hunting." He answered.

"I see. I guess I'm off on my own hunt then!" You smiled and the Sheriff nodded, "I cannot wait to see what you find today."

You smile and nod once, pulling Loki's reigns. "I'll see you tonight then." You smile, "Allez-y. De retour, on était hier." (Go on. Back where we were yesterday.) You told Loki. He neighed and galloped back into the woods. You looked around cautiously and turned around just in time, catching an arrow what was inches from splitting your head open.

"Stay Loki." You said, dismounting your horse and taking your hood down, "Hello? I'm sorry if I'm trespassing... I do not know where I am!" You called, trying to sound helpless.

A blonde man stepped out from the leaves, still holding his bow up. Your hands shot up and you pleaded with your eyes. "Sir... Please don't shoot... I got lost on a journey, I'm trying to find my father!" You closed your eyes and braced yourself.

"Your father? You don't look like it. The armor. Weapons."

You sighed softly and pulled your mask down, "It's a man's country. I have to protect myself somehow. You'd be surprised of how many men have tried to... take me... some man with dark back hair... a beard-"

"Scar on the left side of his face?" The man answered quickly. You nodded softly and closed your eyes, "H-He... tried to rape me!" You lied, making tears fall from your eyes. The man dropped his bow and ran over to you, holding you. "That's alright! Shh... don't cry. I'm on a mission to stop this same man myself."

You sniffled softly and looked up at the man, "Really...? Then I must join you! Have my revenge." You demanded, wiping your face. The man furrowed his brows, "What is your name?"

"Princess Canter of Scotland." You bowed your head and the man's eyes grew wide. He kneeled and looked at the ground, "Robin of Locksley."

You got on the ground with him, "Robin Hood?! I've only heard legends! I used to tell my brother of these stories... you are no poser? Are you?" You tilted his chin up, looking into his eyes.

"Does my bow skill not show you who I am?" He chuckled and smiled, you sighed softly. Men and their cockiness. It will be the death of them all. You lifted him off the ground and brushed his shoulders off. "God I could kiss you!" You giggled, blushing slightly. "You're so strong... amazingly... you..."

"I don't see what's stopping you." He chuckled, looking all over your face, eyes darting down to your more private areas. You nodded and placed him behind Loki without his knowledge, he seemed to be infatuated. "Is it just us in these woods... I wouldn't want any rumors going around..."

Robin nodded, completely understanding. "Just us. I promise."

You smile, and grab his face softly, placing your lips on his. Robin hums and wraps his arm around your waist. You felt his limbs grow weak and you smirked, deepening the kiss. He falls to the ground and you wipe your lips off, god did you love being a woman. It was a simple poison that was quick but didn't kill him. You laced your lips with it in the morning.

You sigh softly and pick him up, putting him in front of you on Loki. "Go!" You call and Loki runs to the castle of Nottingham.

You didn't have time to hit the stables. You threw Robin Hood over your shoulder and ran to the throne room you dumped Robin Hood on the floor and The Sheriff stood, his breath leaving his lungs. The knights looked around in disbelief and Sheriff walked slowly over to you, kneeling down to look into Robin's face.

He quickly reaches for his neck and feels his pulse. "You saved the kill for me." He mumbled, looking back up at you. You nodded and the Sheriff got his knights to pick him up. "Dungeons. He'll be executed by me tomorrow morning when he is awake." You both start to escort Robin to the dungeons.

Sheriff looks at you, puzzled. "How'd you manage to catch the little minx?"

You giggled softly, "A woman never reveals her secrets."

You watched as they threw Robin into a cage and you looked around, checking it out, seeing if there was any way out. You noticed the keys were dangerously close to the window and sneakily dropped the one to his cell down your pants. This man was going no where.

The Sheriff watched you and grabbed your arm, pressing his chest into your back. You saw him in your peripheral and your senses were going mad. You could have sworn you felt a pulse in your lower abdomen.

"Now what would an assassin want with the key to her bounty's cell?" He whispers into your ear.

"Easy escape. He'll never find it if it's in my pants.. now would he Sheriff?" You whispered back.

Sheriff chuckled, "I'd sure hope not." He snakes a hand around your waist and slammed your face against the iron bars, making you stare at Robin Hood.

You gulped softly, your slightly bent down position caused you to feel something hard from the Sheriff's pants. "If I find out that you are in cahoots with this man I'll make him watch as I take your pureness away, slowly slitting your throat just as you reach your climax." He slowly ran a dull blade across your throat, making no such cut.

You grunted softly and closed your eyes, you'd never felt this way, a warmth pooling in your undergarments. You gulped and heard a small groan from Robin Hood. You must not have given him a big dosage. "Perfect." The Sheriff mumbled, shoving you further into the bars.

"I believe I can handle this men. Barricade the door if you hear my screams. They shall not escape, even if I'm dead." He commanded. The knights nodded and left the room. Robin Hood sat up and rubbed his head, "Princess! They got to you too!" He crawled over to you and the Sheriff's grip got tighter and his other hand came up to wrap around the front of your throat.

You whimpered softly and shook your head. Robin looked at Nottingham, "You're such a monster to strip a woman of her faithfulness just to get your fill?! Monster!" He spat. Sheriff chuckled, "Do you know who she is Locksley?"

You closed your eyes tightly, "She's a Princess! Of Scotland!" Robin responded, trying to sooth your face from the iron bars.

"Far from it." You choke, Sheriff loosens his grip a bit. "I'm-"

"She's the Raven Locksley. The Black Death." Sheriff retracted has hand from the front of your neck and ran it down your back, stopping right before he reached your ass.

Robin Hood deadpanned and backed away from you. "Are you insane Nottingham?! She'll wipe out the entire village! You'll have nothing!"

Sheriff chuckled and finally lets you go, you stand and look at Nottingham, a shameful look on your face. "Not when you hire her. I'll see you tonight Raven. I want your report." His finger trails along your jaw and you looked at him, unknowingly letting your eyes blow with lust.

You sigh softly and fix your armor, going to your chambers. You sit on the bed and let out a breath you didn't know you'd been holding in. You start to take off your chainmail and armor. You placed them on a chair and lay back, your chest rising and falling dramatically.

Your entire body was tingling remembering the Sheriff's touch. You smiled softly, he had a bulge in his pants. It was growing as you both sat there, you wondered if he had a thing for being watched. You blushed softly at your thoughts and tried to shake them away.

Getting your virginity taken away from you in front of your bounty just seemed so wrong, making it feel so right. You sat up, sitting back on your knees. The heel of your foot brushed against your clothed heat and you gasped softly, you eyes becoming wide.

Your body screamed for more. You shook your head and laid down. Sleep would wipe all of these thoughts from your mind. You nodded and closed your eyes. Sleep seemed to hit you as if a horse had kicked you in the head.

A/N: This is the end of part two, resume to the third and final part where things between you and the Sheriff really get spicy. ;))

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