Chapter 8: Sites to See

Start from the beginning

But my cheeks reddened and I coughed awkwardly as I leaned away from him. I need to get ahold of myself- I don't even know this guys favourite colour. I don't even know his last name.

I glanced at Scott to see him smiling knowingly at me, which only made me roll my eyes. Before him and Isaac figured out they were mates, they were constantly flirting and making ridiculous googly eyes at each other. I could only assume I was doing exactly the same thing with Paul right now. I couldn't help myself... guys this hot rarely showed interest in me first. I could tell if it was a miracle or a red flag.

"Where to first?" Scott asked in a cheery voice.

Derek got up dramatically and stomped over to the till to pay for our breakfast. Apparently Paul's answer wasn't what he was looking for. It was for me, that I couldn't deny. But I really need to pace myself. Derek's right. I've been tripping all over myself over this guy. You need to play it cool Stiles. Not play it love sick puppy. Dear lord, if Edward could hear me now.

"Well you've seen La Push, which is the best part if you ask me... there's four more must see's. You guys can choose. There's Hall of Mosses, Second Beach, Tree Graveyard, or One Square Inch of Silence," Paul listed, ticking off his fingers.

"Tree graveyard!!" I said excitedly, Scott was bouncing in his seat at the magically mysterious names.

"Yes!" He agreed, nodding his head crazily.

"Nice choice. It's our next favourite," Jared grinned, glancing between Paul and I. His tone seemed to hint at 'I know something you don't know', I ignored it.

"Where are we going?" Derek grumbled.

"The tree graveyard!" I repeated, with just as much excitement- this time hands flying. Despite his nasty attitude, Der couldn't help but smile at my enthusiasm. Just like I knew he would. "I knew I could get you to smile!" I grinned as I rose from my seat and shoved him playfully.

"You and no one else," Scott laughed, rolling his eyes at us.

"Only you can make me smile just because you're excited about something," Derek smirked, shaking his head at me.

"I take great pride in that," I pointed out, puffing my chest out dramatically. This earned me a rare sourwolf laugh. "Take notes ladies and gentlemen," I advised in a serious voice, before cracking a huge smile.

Paul cleared his throat before saying, "Should we get going?" He asked politely, his face carefully neutral.

"Absolutely!" Scott exclaimed eagerly. He jumped up from his seat and grabbed my arm, hauling me out to the car as fast as he could.

"We'll just follow you?" Derek asked, back to his grouchiness. Typical.

"We ran here," Jared responded in the same icy tone.

"You can ride with us!" Scott said immediately, winking at me sneakily. Except it wasn't because everyone saw it. I groaned internally at my best friends antics.

"Oh, joy," Derek said mockingly.

"We can just give you directions," Paul grunted to Derek.

"No, it's fine. There's room in the back for two more," I hurried, hoping to diffuse the tension. Paul smiled and nodded at me, while Derek... well I could feel his glare on me, but chose to ignore it.

"One of you needs to sit up front," Derek stated, but he was looking at Paul as if it should be him.

"I will," Jared said, helping himself to the passenger seat. Derek's frown deepened as he got into the drivers seat, slamming the door behind him.

"Super..." I said with fake excitement.

"Stiles, you can sit in the middle," Scott winked, going around to the other side.

Paul opened the door for me, which- super cute okay? So of course I blushed like mad and coughed awkwardly before scooting myself into the middle seat.

I settled myself in the seat and Paul slid in beside me, making sure his side was flush against my own. His hand rested against my knee, and he 'accidentally' brushed it against me several times. Derek was glaring daggers at Paul in the rear view mirror.

"Let's get this party started," I said, clapping my hands together and breaking the ridiculously tense silence. This is gonna be super.

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