Chapter 6: What's an Imprint?

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Paul's beautiful face hardened again as a growl erupted from his chest. I didn't like it when his face was angry like that. I much preferred the soft look he was giving me a moment ago. His eyes were zeroed in on somewhere between Derek and I. Derek and Scott were immediately in front of me, again. Why is he growling at us? Did we offend him somehow? Or is something else wrong?

"Paul! Let's take a walk buddy," Jared suggested, throwing his arm across Paul's shaking shoulders and steering him towards the door. The growling wolf's eyes were on Derek now, and he wasn't looking away. Of course it was something Derek did.

Before Derek could make a bigger scene, I laid my hand on his shoulder as a warning. Paul bristled at the movement. Something is obviously wrong with him, we didn't need to make it worse. Derek understood the gesture, managing to keep his cool until Paul was out of sight.

As soon as he was, the words were leaving my mouth without my consent. "Is he alright? Where is Jared taking him?"

Derek and Scott glanced back at me sharply, confusion on their faces at the obvious concern in my voice. The pack was smiling at me knowingly, which was only confusing me more. Why am I so bothered right now? Why do my feet want to carry me out of the room and after the two wolves?

"He's alright, he just needs a minute. Him and Jared are going to go for a quick run," Edward answered. Which brought my attention back to the vampire. He was definitely good looking, but not nearly as beautiful as Paul. Who I was still worried about. "I'll take that as a compliment, but you don't need to worry about him. He's perfectly alright and will be back soon."

My mouth fell open at his words. Can this dude read my mind?

"Yes," he answered out loud.

So he has the same ability as the pack then? How did they all gain the ability to read thoughts?

"Not exactly. The pack can only read each others thoughts, and only when they're in their wolf forms. Although they're so close that sometimes it appears like they can read each other's minds regardless. I, on the other hand, can read everyone's thoughts at all times. Some vampires are- born- with special 'gifts'," he explained mildly. The 'born' was practically spat out. If it was possible for my mouth to open wider it would have.

"Dude, is he reading your thoughts right now?!" Scott asked excitedly. I snapped my mouth shut and nodded mutely.

"The vampire can read minds?!" Derek asked in disbelief. Edward cocked his head, obviously listening intently to something. By the look he was giving Derek, I assumed it was his thoughts.

"He was thinking that I was good looking, but not nearly as good looking as Paul. And my name is Edward," Edward said coyly, a small smirk on his face. Derek on the other hand flushed a bright red. Out of embarrassment or anger I wasn't sure.

"Edward's spoken for anyway," Jake said, stepping up beside him and placing a protective arm around the vampires waist with a proud smirk.

"Yeah, cause that wasn't obvious," I chuckled, winking at the couple in front of us. I was still curious as to how that happened though. After all of that 'vampires are our ancient enemy' nonsense. A frown was forming on my face at the puzzle placed before me. Paul was still nagging at my mind, but I did my best to shove it aside.

"I imprinted on him," Jake said as he looked at me steadily. "That's why he's pack."

"And they say I'm the mind reader," Edward scoffed.

"Imprinted? What does that mean?" I asked the wolf in front of me.

"Maybe we should all take a seat," Sam said kindly. I almost didn't realize that we were all still standing around like a fight was about to break out. It still might knowing my sourwolf.

Imprint From Out Of Town {Staul-StilesxPaul}Where stories live. Discover now