Chapter 7: Chill Out Man

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I pulled violently out from under Jared's arm, yanking my shorts off before tossing them aside. I was running before the heat of the phase began, and barely felt it when it happened I was so angry. The images of Derek's hand on his slight hip, of Derek's bulky frame so close to his lithe one. The pictures of Stiles hands on his face and shoulder were enough to continuously fuel the fire as I ran.

Adrenaline ran through my veins as I pushed my body forward, faster. The trees were a green wall on either side. What if my mate didn't want me?

'Dude! You need to chill,' I heard Jared's voice in my head. I chose to ignore him in favour of replaying the infuriating moments.

What if they are together and my imprint rejects me? The idea had my heart splitting in two. The sadness only added to my anger, which wasn't abnormal. Everyone on the whole reservation knows I've got a temper.

Back to the important questions: What if they're together?

'You don't know that,' Jared thought.

'Did you not see them?!' I demanded, putting the picture on display with Stiles hand on Derek's face for full effect.

'So what if they are? The imprint works both ways! Win him over!' He shot back.

The drumming of my paws on the forest floor slowed at his words until I was standing still. He's right.

'Of course I am,' he sassed. Again, I ignored him. He came skidding to a halt beside me.

I'm Paul. The tribes most eligible bachelor. Half the women around here have tried asking me out. Most of them didn't succeed.

'I don't know about that," I heard Jared think.

I can absolutely win over someone who's meant to be with me!

'Now that's more realistic,' Jared laughed. 'Maybe we should start with a proper introduction where you don't look like a complete idiot.' He joked.

'I hate you,' I responded, heading back to the house with him at my side.

'Lair,' he answered, and I could practically hear his smile.

I found my shorts tossed under a tree and considered picking them up in my mouth and going somewhere more private to phase... before shrugging and phasing anyway. Everyone who could be watching has seen me naked. And I didn't particularly care if the other three saw me either. As for Edward... well there's no privacy when he can pick your brain at any given moment, now is there?

"I heard that," the vampire commented from inside the house.

"No one else did," Jared quipped, rolling his eyes at me before entering.

I just chuckled, following after my brother. I did my best to look uncaring as my eyes searched the room for Stiles. My nose sniffed the air discreetly... before smelling the most heavenly scent I've ever smelled in my life. I knew instantly that it was his. Lemons, vanilla, and forest air. I found Stiles sitting at the table, between his two alphas.

Derek's arm was slung across the back of Stiles chair, his fingers resting on his shoulder. Scott's hand was on Stiles' leg under the table, but for some reason his touch didn't bother me as much. Perhaps it's because he wasn't constantly making googly eyes at my imprint. I swallowed down the anger and put on my best smile. My eyes met those oceans of whiskey and I tried not to swoon again. Which was  hard when I was looking at Stiles.

Staring at Stiles.

Okay... say something you idiot!

Edward saved the day by saying, "Paul, this is Stiles, Scott and Derek."

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