3 is good!

After finalizing our plans, I let my music play and finished getting ready for the day.
I slicked my hair into a full bun. My outfit consisted of a long-sleeved beige mini dress and white trainers.

Before going shopping I decided to finally unbox everything. I opened the boxes and put all of the shoes along the floor and wall, and my clothes over my bed and in the next room's closet, as well as the walk-in in the master bedroom.

Memories hit me when I came across the box labeled:


I decided not to open it yet, though, and put it on the shelf in the other closet.

But as I went through the final miscellaneous box, I found a pair of knee pads and my old volleyball shoes from college. I couldn't help but smile as I was hit with memories. It had been forever since I last played. I played for Baylor until my junior year when my mother really cracked down on me. She had me pick: ballet or volleyball. Really, though, the decision was hers. It was always hers. My mother worried I'd get hurt more playing volleyball and claimed dancing would be forever whereas my volleyball career would end with college.

Gosh, I used to be SO good, too. I loved it, but my mother thought I was too competitive (in not a good way.) Yeah, I let my emotions get the better of me often times. When I played, I was a beast - completely unstoppable and high energy; always yelling, cheering, and hyping the arena.

If I could go back, I would've put the tutu away and followed my real passion. . .


Two hours later, I sorted through everything. Whatever I no longer need anymore was going to be donated so I could make space since I had less space than I was used to.
Some of it was designer, out of season, too big/small, or I just didn't want anymore. Initially, I thought to give it to Cassie but I remembered how proud she was and figured she wouldn't want hand-me-downs. So, I boxed the items and prepared to drop them off later on.

As I stood in the kitchen eating golden double stuffed Oreos with my water, I heard something fall to the floor in the living room that made me jump. It was the picture I made Noah hang up. Only he did a poor job, obviously, and it fell. AGAIN.
I laughed to myself and texted him a picture before calling his phone.

"Talk to me," he spoke.

"Did you see what I sent you?" I asked, chewing a cookie.

He laughed. "It's not my fault, it's a ghost!"

"Anyway, remind me to never request your services again."

"Sweetie, please. You need me."

"I guess you could make it up to me," I said, walking around the unfurnished living room.

"Oh, yeah? How?"

"Dinner tonight? I'm thinking Italian this time."

He chuckled. "As fun as that sounds, I can't. I have a thing."

I pouted and peered out of the window. "A thing? Sounds like a lame excuse, just say you don't want to, Noah-"

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