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Brooklyn Noelle Brankovich

Chapter Twenty-one: "Now that's what I call a coincidence"

After a three hour flight, I arrived in California. Beautiful and warm, just how I imagined it.

It was around two in the afternoon. My parents had our driver personally, Peyton, drive my car - a white 2021 Porsche Cayenne - to my building which was a 21 hour journey. Peyton had my boxed things and clothes, as well. Whatever he didn't have, I had shipped in cargo. So, I had to Uber there which was fine. I figured I should be getting used to cabs anyway now that I lived in the city.

I emailed Courtney just before I landed to let her know I was on my way. She said to go to the apartment to get comfortable before she let me know when I could start.

I hopped out, and stood before the building. Oh, it was even better than in the pictures on their website!

 Oh, it was even better than in the pictures on their website!

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"This is it," I shrilled, moving forward, "this is home."

After taking it all in, I walked inside with what few items I had on hand.

"Hi, can I help you?" the receptionist asked me.

"Hi. Yes, I'm Brooklyn. Brooklyn Brankovich. I'm moving in today, someone should've-"

"Ah, yes, Courtney called. Everything is in order for you to move in, just go ahead and sign here for me," the brunette had me fill out some paperwork. Once I was finished, she exclaimed "awesome" and excused herself for a moment. Left alone in the lobby, I shrieked and did a little dance.

She returned with a key that excited me. "Room three-eleven. Here's a brochure, it should answer any questions you may have. Enjoy the rest of your day, Ms.Brankovich!"

"Thanks!" I walked away, staring at the key.

I just kept asking myself if it was real. I even pinched myself to make sure.

I passed different apartments on the way to my own.

"Three o'five. Three o' six... Three o' nine - Eep! Three-eleven!" I exclaimed, bouncing before the door.

An average white man walked behind me, staring like I was crazy.

"H-hi. I just moved in!" I announced to him excitedly but he just tightened his lips and kept walking.

My face fell for a second but I shook it off and didn't let anything bring me down.

After a deep breath, I moved inside and gasped at the sight. It was completely unfurnished but I fell in love at first sight.

I dropped my bags and ran around, flipping the light switches and running the warm water in the sinks. Then, I went to the two bedrooms and picked which one I'd use to sleep in. The obvious choice was the bigger one.

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