Chapter 10

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*Time skips*

Amanda POV

~When is that lazy ass going to get here?~ I think as I get into my dress. I walk over to my vanity to put on my makeup and do my hair. I smile as I look in the mirror seeing the final product. I hear a door open downstairs and call out "MACC IS THAT YOU?" I wait for a reply. "YEAH" I hear. I roll my eyes and go downstairs to get my liquor. "Oi weirdo give me my stuff" I say sticking my hand out. He sighs and grabs it from his bag. I pull money out of my bra and hand it to him. He raises his eyebrow "go get a haircut quickly" I say looking at the shit he called hair. He rolls his eyes and takes it leaving again. "FACE TIME CALL NOISE" I go upstairs and answer the phone. "Hello"  "Hi babe what are you doing?" "Just finished getting dressed and you?" He sighs "Getting my son ready" My eyes widen I had forgotten he had a son. I smile "Oh well I'm excited to meet him" ~I hope he isn't a weirdo like mine~ I think to myself. "Well I have to get cooking love you" I say hanging up. I get up with my phone and order some (random food) from uber eats. I watch tv as I wait. The doorbell rings and I get up and open it to see a young man. He smiles looking me and down "Hello ma'am I have your food" he said. I scoff "don't call me ma'am I'm only 34" he smirks "my apologies miss?" "Amanda, Ms Amanda" I smile. He looks down and hands me my food. I grab it and say thank you. "Can you sign this?" He says holding the receipt. He hands me a paper back and I see a phone number on it.  XXX-XXX-XXXX - Josh. I look up at him astonished by his bold move and he winks. He then walks off and I close the door. I throw it away and head to the kitchen and open a cabinet and grab a few plates, I set them on the table and clean it up a bit. I then put the food in the oven. I hear the door open and see Macc walk in his hair a bit more tidier."You look handsome"I say.  He looks at me surprised "T-Thanks?" He asks like its a question. I nod "go shower please and make yourself look nice we're having guests". He walks upstairs and soon I hear the shower being turned on. I hear a ding from my phone and check it seeing a text from my fiance. It says they were on the way. I turn the oven on so it keeps the food warm and watch tv waiting.

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