This is The End

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I woke up that morning to the voice of Game Maker Crane

"Attention tributes,  congratulations on making it to the final five! Today at noon, there will be a feast held at the cornucopia. Although this feast is not mandatory, you will find that not attending it could lead to a crushing fate. How will you know it's noon you ask? Well, this should answer your question" Just then, a sponsor gift floated down towards me and as I looked around, I saw two more identical gifts floating down to different spots in the forest. I caught my sponsor gift out of the air and when I opened it I found a watch, that read 7:05 am, 4 hours, and 55 minutes until the feast. "Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!" The announcement ended and I untied myself from the tree and jumped down. When I had fled from the mountain, all I had taken with me was my canteen and my spear which mean I had basically no supplies to gather. I started walking back towards the cornucopia when I could see the horn ahead of me, I hid behind a bush and started eating the berries I had collected in my pockets on the way there. About an hour later, I ran in to the clearing and looked around, no one in sight. An idea formed in my head as I ran into the horn, crouching behind a crate that had formerly housed weapons but had been cleaned out during the bloodbath. There was a small slit between the rocks that made up the cornucopia where I could see the clearing ahead of me. 

"Perfect" I mumbled to myself with a small smile "simply perfect"


I took my watch out of my pocket and and read the time on it with a sigh, wishing that it was feast time already. I decided it was best that I keep moving, I didn't want to be found by Adryan, Gala or Clara. The thing that confused me, was that I had 3 sponsor gifts floating down, one for me, one for the trio and a third one which meant either one member of the trio had broken off which seemed unlikely or there was someone I was forgetting about. While I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice that I had walked to the mountain, I didn't even know I had been that close. The avalanche had taken quite the toll on the once beautiful mountain. At the base of the mountain there were rocks scattered all over, some bigger, some smaller, and some stacked on top of each other. I noticed something shiny wedged in between two rocks. I was hesitant at first but my curiosity got the best of me and I ran forewords, starting to carefully climb up the rocks in order to reach the shiny object which was unfortunately higher up then I first thought. Not wanting to be know as the tribute killed by a rock, I climbed slowly and carefully, it must have taken me at least an hour but finally I reached the two rocks, to find a sword. I smiled and managed to get the sword out. This was too perfect, not only had I found a sword, this was the exact sword that the boy from two got from the cornucopia. The exact sword he had used to kill Harlow. Now I am going to win, I have to win.


"Guys, it's time" Gala announced with a worried expression, she held her ax close to her chest nervously. Clara and I each grabbed our respective knife and and stood up, just as we heard loud crashes coming from the edge of the forest

"Trees" Clara said as she looked onwards "the trees are falling, that's what Game Maker Crane meant by crushing fate" she told us.

"We need to run, the trees are coming fast" Gala said concerned and all three of us started running. When we reached the cornucopia clearing, something inside me clicked, this was the hunger games, and I was so close to winning. I looked on either side of me, Clara was watching the clearing waiting for Grover to enter the clearing, clutching her knife so hard, her knuckles were turning white. One my other side, Gala was doing the same as Clara but she was unarmed, suddenly I knew what I had to do.

"There can only be one"

*Third person"

"There can only be one" Adryan whispered in a dark voice before he plunged his knife through the back of Gala's neck. 

Gala fell sideways and a cannon boomed. Clara looked over to him and gasped, Adrian tried to stab her as well but she quickly blocked his strike with her own knife. The fight went on for a minute or two, but it was clear from the beginning who would win. Clara kept blocking, she would never strike back so there was no chance she was going to win. Finally Adryan stabbed her through the stomach but not without Clara managing to shove her own knife through Adryan's arm. Adryan took the knife out of his arm with a wince

"Why, Adryan?" Clara whispered weakly, with tears in her eyes.

"It was you or me" Adryan growled with out remorse before stabbing Clara through the head with her own knife. A cannon boomed out and Grover running into the clearing, with a sword that I recognized, it was unmistakably Seven's sword. Poor Evergreen, this was going to crush her. Adryan ran into clearing, straight at Grover with his two knives raised. Grover quickly blocked the knives with his sword before attempting to stab Adryan in the stomach but Adryan blocked. After a few more rounds of this, Adryan had revived a cut on his shoulder and a cut on his thigh while Grover had a cut on his chest, not enough to kill but enough to sting. Evergreen watched the action unfold while holding back screams every time someone got hurt. Evergreen hugged her spear to her chest as she watched the fight between Adryan and Grover, mumbling something inaudible. Finally, Grover had managed to kick Adryan in the stomach and he fell backwards. Grover smiled

"Sorry, it had to end this way bud, but we all knew you never stood a chance" Grover said then slit Adryan's throat. A few moments later a canon sounded and Grover looked to the sky with a smile, waiting for Game maker Crane to announce his victory, but the announcement never came. Grover had forgotten there was someone else in that arena, but who could blame him, almost everyone else had too. Because of this, he didn't see the little girl running towards him with a spear, he simply started counting on his fingers, trying to figure out who was left when a spear was driven through his back. He fell backwards and was able to see the face of his killer, little Sallow, little Evergreen Sallow. Evergreen had tears in her eyes as she stepped backwards and Grover tried to speak but his words were lost in this throat. Finally a cannon sounded and the voice of Game maker Cane was heard

"Ladies and Gentleman, the victor of the 71st hunger games, Evergreen Sallow!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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