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I sat down on one of the cliffs of the mountain, where I could see what felt like the entire arena. I couldn't see any people at the cornucopia clearing which meant they were all in the woods or on the mountain. I looked down at the locket in my hands, Orson's tribute token. I had seen it fall out of his pocket when he died and I had grabbed it before Seven and I got the heck out of there. Inside the locket, there was only one picture, a little girl. The girl looked to be about my age, she looked almost exactly like Orson, she had dark blonde hair, slightly tan skin, and a bright smile. The only difference between Calista and Orson was their eyes, Orson's were a chocolaty brown, and Calista's were bright blue. Seven walked over to me and sat down

"How's your leg?" he asked.

"Fine" I mumbled without taking my eyes off the locket. The truth was, my leg was not fine, Eclipse's ax cut deeper than I thought it did but it didn't matter, in a few days I would be dead.

"Look, I know how you're feeling when I made my first kill, it was really shocking at first I couldn't believe that I actually could do that then I couldn't believe I had actually done that," Seven said putting his arm around me in a protective big brother kind of way. I didn't respond, just looked kept looking down at the locket. We sat in silence for a few moments before I closed the locket and tucked it away before standing up.

"The only people alive other than us are the girl from 7, the guy from 10, the girl from 11, and both from 9" I counted "so, that leaves 7 people including us," I told him. He just frowned so I started walking away before turning back to him "C'mon there has got to be at least one tribute hiding on this mountain, let's go find them" I growled. Seven shook his head

"I don't know, you should rest for a little while longer" Seven replied and I whipped my head around

"Don't tell me what to do!" I snapped at him and he looked taken back but got up with a frown and followed me as I limped away. After 2 hours of searching, night had fallen and I wouldn't dare admit it but my leg was starting to really hurt. To my relief, Seven spoke up

"There is a cave not far from here, why don't we rest there for tonite," he asked and I nodded. When we reached the cave, we set down our bags and unrolled our sleeping bags, before Seven could say anything I spoke up

"I'll take first watch and we can switch off around midnight," I told him and he hesitantly agreed.

"Eve, you know you can talk to me about anything. I get it, I am going through everything that you ar-"

"No, you aren't!" I snapped at him "You don't understand anything! You're not a 12-year-old who knows she'll be dead within the next few days, you're not a 12-year-old who was reaped for the hunger games in district 2 and not even your sister would volunteer for you. You didn't kill 4 people and enjoy it!" I yelled at him. When I saw his shocked expression, I bit my lip and took a deep breath before adding "You have no idea what it is like to be me and stop pretending that you do" I told him walked towards the cave entrance. I sat there for a few minutes before I heard the anthem start playing and the capitol symbol showed in the sky followed by the words;

No Deaths

I sighed, people in the capitol were probably starting to get bored which meant all hell would ensue soon. That night I decided not to wake Seven up to take my watch, I just laid on my back wondering if the stars I was staring at were real. When dawn broke I was starting to nod off when I heard crashing above. I looked up just in time to see a rock falling straight towards me and I jumped out of the way just in time before screaming;

"Avalanch!" Seven woke up immediately but looked confused for a moment before he too heard the rocks falling. I grabbed my spear and a canteen of water, the ladder of which I secured to my belt, and strapped the spear to my back quickly. I broke out, running down the hill, I looked behind me to see Seven following. I heard screams from somewhere up the mountain, followed by a loud crash than a canon but I didn't dare slow down. Seven and I kept running but the avalanche was catching up. Suddenly, a rock fell very near and knocked both Seven and me to the ground. I quickly got back up and was about to start running when Seven called out to me

"Evergreen! Help". I looked behind me to see that Seven's foot was stuck I saw a huge rock sliding down right towards us. A horrible thought popped into my head, what if Seven was just using me to win and that he was planning to kill me soon just like the careers. I wasn't sure if I believed that but apparently, I believed it enough to turn my back on his and continue running.

"EVERGREEN" I heard Seven yell after me before the crashing of rocks behind me followed by a canon. I wiped tears from my eyes as I kept running, and thinking 'never look back, never look back' I thought to myself as I continued running as fast as my injured leg could carry me. I slipped and started tumbling down until I finally reached the bottom of the mountain. The cornucopia clearing was ahead of me but I ran around it into the nearby forest. Finally, I stopped and leaned against a tree to catch my breath, it was still pretty early in the morning, but most of the remaining tributes should have been awoken by the avalanche and canons. It was only after I sat down that I started to really feel my leg. I saw a sponsor gift start descending towards me and land in front of me. I opened it eagerly to find a roll of bandages for my leg and a note that said;

19 down, 4 to go - E

That night I collected berries and ate them. I was relieved that I had gotten my water bottle before fleeing down the mountain because I was extremely thirsty. I then climbed up one of the trees which proved to be a little harder than I thought it would be, but eventually, I made it up to a branch that was out of a sword's reach and decided it was good. Just then another sponsor gift flew down towards me, this time containing no note but a rope. I was confused for a second but then I recalled past hunger games where tributes had tied themselves to trees while they slept so they didn't fall out. I tried my best to do a secure not around my legs and abdomen

"This will have to do" I mumbled. I heard the anthem playing and looked up at the sky. The first picture was the girl from 7, I think her name was Maple or something like that. Then Seven's picture was shown and I felt a tear running down my face, he was gone and it was all my fault.

*Grover's P.O.V.*

I looked up to the sky when I hear the anthem playing, the first picture was Maple from 7, not to much of a surprise, I didn't think she would survive that long anyway. The next picture made me very mad though, it was the boy from 2, the one that killed Harlow my district partner no I can't make him pay!

"Look, that's the boy from 2! He was like our only real competition left" Gala stated

"Nah there is one more person, I just can't quite remember who it is..." Clara said.

I took a deep breath and looked up at the group

"The game makers are going to trigger the end of the games soon so I think it is time we split up," I told them and grabbed my stuff. Clara and Gala opened their mouths to protest the Adryan interrupted them

"No, I think it is a good idea," he said without looking up from the rabbit leg he was eating.

"Then it's decided," I said and stood up while Adryan just nodded while Gala and Clara looked at Adryan and me in disbelief. I got up and started walking away, I couldn't wait until tomorrow when I would be announced as the victor of the 71st hunger games.

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