Saying Goodbye

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As I walk through the train station I keep glancing around nervously, letting the tears fall, making sure to let the cameras get a good look at me before I am ushered into the train. As we are boarding, Seven, who has been keeping his face clean of emotion other than to occasional wink towards the audience, pulls me close.

"Don't cry, it will make others think your weak" he whispers in my ear "and if that happens..." he took to fingers and pressed them to my neck giving me a look that said 'you're not going to like the outcome'. When we boarded the train I go to my room on the train and take a breath. I close my eyes but no sleep comes so instead I turn on the tv to watch the broadcasting of the other reapings, after all, it's never too early to look at your competitors. The district 1 reaping is the first on, like always, the two kids are seventeen-year-old volunteers, the girl is named Eclipse and the boy is named Orson. Then it's district two, I see Valora call my name then I watch as the guards take me up to the stage. I can't bear to watch any more so I go over to the bed and bury my head in the pillowed. Finally, I decide to go and get some food, I open the door and stumbled to the main compartment. When I got there I saw Valora who beamed at me and Enobaria who hadn't seemed to notice me yet. Seven was also there chowing down on cream puffs. I took a breath and sat down.

"Hello, Evergreen," Valora said joyfully and Enobaria looked up from her food, looking me up and down

"So you're the twelve-year-old?" Enobaria growled I could see her sharp pointy teeth when she talked, Enobaria made me so nervous, that the only thing I could do was a nod. "Your stealthy, that will serve you well...for a while" she commented and I nodded again and looked down.

"So, Evergreen is there a cute little nickname anyone calls you by?" Valora asked me trying to brighten the mood

"Eve" I squeaked, still terrified by Enobaria.

"Like I was saying, I am quite good with spears and swords. In the training center back in district 2, I was the number one kid at the academy" He said with a smile. Enobaria nodded

"We can work with that" Said Brutus as he appeared behind Enobaria. Brutus was scary, but personally I thought that Enobaria was scarier with her teeth.

"What about you?" Enobaria grunted, turning her cat-like eyes to me

"I-I do s-some plant stuff and uh spears are g-great" I mumbled and Enobaria turns to Seven

"Translate" she growls at Seven

"In the academy, Eve is one of the best if the not the best survivalist, she can identify plants very well, and knows very advanced survival skills," He tells her and she frowns

"That's great and all but I mean weapons what can you kill with" she scowled

"She-" Seven started but was interrupted by Enobaria

"Let the girl speak for herself this time"

"I-I am o-ok with a s-spear," I told her and she nodded with a frown. I was rescued from the conversation by our arrival at the capitol. I go into a room with my stylist, her name is Rush. After about an hour of I am giving a costume, it is a reddish-brown tunic with black but shiny mortar dripping down it. I also had a pretty bronze crown on my head. Overall it is not the worst I have seen but not the best. That night I met Seven by our carriage and he smiled at me. Seven was wearing the same tunic as me except he didn't have long hair like me so his hair wasn't pulled back in a french braid. We boarded our carriage and looked at each other with a small smile

"Remember, smile" He whispered to me as the district one carriage took off and ours was put on stand by. I heard the crowd erupt in cheers as district one came by then it was our turn.

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