Drying out

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I woke up with soft rays of sun beaming down on my face. It was early in the morning and the temperature was delightfully cool. My mouth was dry so I dug through my bag for my canteen but when I found it and opened it I found it was empty.

"Uh guys, I'm out of water," I told the rest of the careers and turned my bottle upside down to prove it.

"So am I" Seven added

"I ran out last night" Coral added "I didn't say anything because I thought you guys had some"

"Does anyone have water left? I don't" Orson asked the group then looked to Eclipse who shook her head

"I told you guys we should have gone up the mountain" Eclipse said with a frown

"No, we were right to come here, there are more tributes here, some of them might have water" Seven defended me

"Fine, we'll stay in the woods, but if we don't find a source of water by tomorrow then we're going up the mountain" Orson declared and the group nodded. We kept on walking for a while, still not finding any water. Suddenly we heard a scream nearby, followed by a canon so we ran by to see what was happening. We saw a female tribute, she was dressed as a leaf and we looked up to see a tree with large leaves over us.

"Six probably. Must have been hiding in that tree when someone found her" Eclipse commented and Orson nodded

"Sallow, inspect the body and see if there is anything useful," Orson said and I nodded "Everyone else, follow me. Her killer couldn't have gotten far" 

I quickly started looking at her, knowing that I didn't have much time before her hovercraft arrived. The girl had a mostly empty canteen, but I took it anyway. The girl didn't have much that was of any use to us other than a small knife she had. But what was interesting was that the girl didn't have any signs of dehydration that all of the careers had, she had clearly gotten water. I looked up to see the hovercraft starting to descend and I quickly scraped off a little bit of the mud that was covering her legs

"It's wet..." I mumbled than I saw the hovercraft closer and I quickly picked up the girl's canteen and ran in the direction the other careers went. When I got there everyone was looking mad

"He got away," Seven said when he noticed me and I nodded "Did you find anything?" Seven asked

"She had a knife and a canteen with, not much water," I said and held up the canteen "But I don't think it was water she got from sponsors or the cornucopia because the water seems kind of dirty and-"

"Do you ever shut up!?" Orson snapped at me cutting me off and I looked down and closed my mouth. Orson picked up a big rock and threw it a few feet away, letting out an angry grunt. I looked over to the rock then back over to where it was, curiously I walked over to the small ditch it had formerly resided in.

"What are you doing weirdo?" Eclipse asked with a frown but I didn't answer her and picked up some of the mud that had been under the rock

"Wet" I mumbled. All of a sudden I put two and two together and I started digging.

"Yep, guys she has officially lost it, we should just leave her behind," Eclipse said with a frown. I ignored her and kept digging. "I think she thinks she's a mole or some-" Eclipse had already started walking away when I exclaimed

"Water! I found water" I said with a huge smile turning back to them, I had dug a little which wasn't that hard since it was soft mud, but under all of the dirt, there was water. The ditch didn't have the cleanest water but it had enough to fill up all of our canteens. The rest of the careers ran over to see

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