- chapter 8 • texting -

Comenzar desde el principio


From Bokuto-san:
You would never bother me! Also you can always talk to me! 😊

Akaashi smiled. He put his fingers on the screen and started to text him more. They texted for a couple of hours before Bokuto had to go to bed.

Akaashi sighed. He just realized how much pain he felt. But talking to Bokuto lifted all the pain away for some odd reason.

Akaashi decided to try once more to stand up. He slid up against the wall and stood up. He wobbled a bit but started to slightly walk towards the bedroom.

He creaked the door open a bit. He wasn't there. Akaashi walked in and walked to his side of the bed. Set his phone down and got under the covers and drifted off into a deep sleep.


Akaashi woke up to screaming. He sat up startled.

"Who the fuck is Bokuto-san?!" His boyfriend screamed at he shoved the phone into Akaashi's face.

"I.. a friend..!" Akaashi stuttered.

"Oh yea sure! You fucking texted him all night last night?! You little whore!" He screamed as he approached to hit Akaashi once more.

"Just take my god damn body.. please end my suffering." Akaashi whispered. His boyfriend just stood there with his hand in the air.

He slapped Akaashi across the face. "You better go to class today. Come home on time." He walked away.

Akaashi just sat there, one single tear ran down his face. He stiffly got up and stumbled a bit. He had the strength to change.

He pulled on some jeans and a turtle neck. He put a thick blazer over it to cover as much as he could. It was going to be warm out today but he didn't care.

He grabbed his phone and his small book bag. He made his way to the front door and walked out. It was going to be a painful walk but manageable.

As he was walking he texted Kenma asking if he could bring him coffee at his psychology class. Kenma said yea, but he clearly didn't want to.

He made it on time to his class at 8:00 AM. He hated his professor but he needed the points from the class so he stuck with it.

Once the professor let them go it was 10:45 AM. Akaashi sighed as he walked out of the lecture room. His joints hurt and head hurt slightly.

He walked down to the cafe that was attached to the library. He sat down in the library, it was nice and quiet.

His head was down until he felt the table jiggle a little so he looked up. Kenma sat on the opposite side of him with a coffee in his hand. Kenma set it down in front of the tired boy.

"Thank you Kenma." Akaashi said as he sat up and took the coffee. He drank some and looked at Kenma.

"How's your morning?" Akaashi said to start up the conversation.

"Fine. Tiring.." He said. Some of his hair was slipping in front of his face clearly irritating him.

Akaashi was just relieved that his puffy eye went down and the slap that morning was fading.

"That's good.. I guess." Akaashi said and slightly giggled at the end.

They both sat there slightly talking. They both look exhausted that day but Akaashi looked worse, felt worse.

It was time for Akaashi to go to his art class. He got up and said goodbye and started walking. His walking was a little off, slightly limping. Kenma just watched him, observed him.

Akaashi had to walk to the other side of the campus to get to the art center. It was painful but he made it.

There were some people there. His professor was there. His professor looked up from a painting and saw Akaashi walk in.

"Hell Mr. Keiji!" She said whiling walking towards him.

"Hello ma'am!" He said cheerful back. He made his way towards his chair and easel. He sat down and looked back at his professor.

"How was your morning ma'am?" He asked.

"It has been good. How about you?" She said as she stood in front of him.

"Normal. Tiring." He said while laughing.

"Isn't every morning like that!" She said laughing. He laughed with her, it wasn't funny but he did.

He sat up and looked at the easel. He got up and got a plain canvas. It was white, plain, emotionless.

He sat down with it and stared at it. He didn't know what to paint. Then it came to him, yes, that's what he's going to paint.

He got up and got all the paints and palette.

He had his brush in his hand and it was inches away from being brushed onto the canvas. His hand was shaking violently.

It was hard but he managed the shaking and painted away.

Painting was like a safe house for Akaashi. It settled his mind and pushed him over the line between reality and non-reality. His reality was a crappy colorless reality, but while painting it was full of colors and soft.

As the class came to the end his painting was barely to the end. He got up and put his painting to where the unfinished paintings were. Washed everything he used and walked out.

Once he walked out of the room a wind of reality blew on him. He sighed and started his way through the campus.

Did he really have to go back to his sucky apartment? Yea. But he didn't, he started his way towards the gym ignoring what would happen.


a/n: at the beginning of writing this chapter I was listening to "All I Want" By Kodaline. It was inpSirIng but made a knot in my stomach it hurt my heart strings.

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