Chapter 5: we are friends

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Third person
The flustered Yumikumo couldn't even breath a word out. His number one celebrity crush, someone he looked up to, had just dragged him out the busy club. Now they were sat at the edge of the pavement, the blonde staring down at the younger boy.

The drunk Katsuki was trying his best to think of what to say to the purple haired boy but his words kept on coming out as a slur. "Listen.. I *hiccup* know you, (the blonde points at himself then at Yumikumo), but you don't know me."

Yumikumo's emerald eyes jolted open as he looked at the ash blonde in disbelief "don't you mean the other way around" his shy voice said muffled because has was speaking into his sleeve. The drunk Katsuki had soon forgot that he was quite literally famous and this time not for being help captive by a sludge villain.

"Let's.. go back to.. your house" the ash blonde managed to say. This made Yumikumo tense up and his throat suddenly went dry. The purple haired boy softly grabbed Katsuki's hand and slightly dragged him to his house. Yumikumo only lived a 10 minute walk away from the club and the whole stroll back was silent. The only noises was when the ash blonde accidentally lost his step or tripped over something.

Yumikumo was so busy shaking with nerves he completely forgot his room was filled with drawings and posters of the male about to enter his house. The curly haired boy walked into the building then a still drunk katsuki followed from behind. "Okay can you please explain" Yumikumos soft voice spoke.

"So basically..."


The ash blonde had explained everything to the smaller male, he knew it was probably a bad idea but at the end of the day he was still drunk. It took Yumikumo a while to process all the information he had just been given. "So wait you have super powers in another universe" the wide eyed boy asked.

"Yup and so do you."

Yumikumo's eyes lit up even more "wait and we are friends in another universe" he carried on. "Urm I guess you could say friends" Katsuki stuttered as he soon found an interest  in the floor beneath him. Yumikumo sat twiddling his thumbs feeling slightly happy but also unsure of weather he believed the blonde. It all seemed to good to be true.

Katsukis POV
Those emerald eyes wow.. and his freckles look like stars shining on his skin. It's definitely Deku. He's so shy in this universe and his hair is a lot different but it's still him. For a second I could feel the alcohol enter my body even more and them last couple of shots I did effected me sooner rather then later.

Completely forgetting about the universe change I mistook him for Izuku.

I leaned close to his face which caused a bead of sweat to run down the younger boys face "Bakugou what are you..."

I softly pressed my lips against the small boy and kissed him.

After that I remember nothing.

My eyelids flickered as I slowly started to wake up, the intense pain in my head was slightly clouding my vision but I could just about make out it wasn't my room at dunce face and shitty hairs. "Oh fuck" I moaned as I held my head in pain. "Wait WHAT" I glared around the room and noticed many drawings and pictures of.. ME. Oh that's right I am really famous but damn this person must have an obsession with me.

I do not remember a single thing from last night, where am I and how did I even get here.

"Morning" I heard a soft recognisable voice speak from the doorway of the room.

"Ignore the drawings I'm a slight fan boy of Gougou" he chucked.

Wait I recognise that voice, i could never forgot it. Is it possible last night I ran into this universes deku. Did I tell him about the universe swap I'm so confused.

"What went down last night."

"Well you told me all about your universe problem then probally mistook me for Izuku." He awkwardly slimed.

"What makes you say that nerd."

"Well you kissed me."

My red eyes nearly popped out my skull "I kissed you." "Yea but it's okay you were very drunk so you probably thought you were kissing Izuku."

"I would never kiss deku" I screamed in response.

"Then why did you kiss me."

"Urgh I dunno because your cute.. wait fuck no.. pretend you didn't hear that.. I don't think your cute because you look the exact same as deku.... and I definitely don't think he's cute."

The freckly boy started laughing hysterically as he held his stomach in pain. He's definitely mocking me. "Did you like the kiss." I mumbled as I played with my thumbs slightly nervous for his answer. Fuck why am I nervous around this boy.

"Well I mean I have nothing to compare it to" he smiled "but yea I enjoyed it."

A wave of relief swept over me knowing the purple haired boy was actually into males and I didn't just scar him for the rest of his life. This feels so weird, it's like I'm talking to Izuku about kissing him.. id never have to guts to ever do anything like that. Not that I would want to.

"Your mumbling."

"Oh shit sorry.. wait I didn't mean that.. I don't say sorry I'm Bakugou Katsuki."

The freckly boy kept on laughing at me. "What's your name by the way, I forgot." I asked him

"Yumikumo midoryia."


A week later
Third person


"You bitch, you did that on purpose."

"Maybe if you were actually good at this game, you would be able to beat me."

"That's it nerd, DIE DIE"

"Bakugou can you get away from your game and come and fucking practice" Kirishima stared down at the duo who were lazily slummed on the sofa with eyes glued to the tv screen.

"Ha I got a fancy gun, Imma hunt you down now."

"You still can't beat me kacchan."

"BAKUGOU" the red head screamed.

Kirishima was sick of being ignored so he walked over to the tv and unplugged it from the wall.

"HEY" the ash blonde and freckly boy said in unison.

The duo had become close over the past couple of days since Katsuki wanted to keep the smaller boy safe from harm. Not that in this universe Yumikumo would get harmed but Katsuki couldn't help to see Yumikumo and Deku as the same person. Which technically they were.

The ash blonde always invited Yumikumo over to play games and mess around not realising how much fun he could actually have when he's not concentrating on becoming the number one hero. Bakugou also told the younger boy to call him kacchan just like Izuku calls him. It made him feel closer to Izuku even though he was in a completely different universe.

"Come on Bakugou we need to practice, you can bring your boyfriend along as well I know you'll get separation anxiety if he's not there."

Now normally Katsuki would flip his lid at what his spiky black haired friend said but over the past couple of days Katsuki feels less angry at the world, mainly because Kirishima was angsty enough so two hot headed boys in the house was far too much to deal with.

"He's not my fucking boyfriend shitty hair and yea we are coming now."

"Whatever just don't be cuming in eachother before hand."

Both boys sat still, glaring at Kirishima with deep blushes on their faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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