But that's the difference between him and her. 

'Man, I just gotta say fuck it and be like Katsuki...' She huffed before smelling something delicious. Sooner or later her stomach began to growl.

Eyeing the stand, the girl mentally jumped in excitement.

"Takoyaki!!!!" Her eyes beamed as sparkles floated around her head 

It was her favourite after all. 


A few hours later

'I keep getting these wrong I don't get it!!!' Komei raged at her laptop throwing it back lightly onto the couch

The girl was currently trying to get a head start on next week's lessons, so she could get more training time.

'If only Katsuki were here, he'd help me with this stuff...' She pinched the bridge of her nose as a certain winged hero entered the room 

"You having fun there chickie?" Hawks questioned jumping on couch comically putting his feet up on the coffee table in a lax manor watching the tv as Komei frowned

"Yeah. Sure..." She rolled her eyes sarcastically

Slowly, slowly, she was starting to get used to the pro hero's antics. 

"So is that angry little porcupine your man or what?"

The pinkette stiffened as she let out a sigh.

"If I answer, will you drop the subject?" Komei slightly rolled her eyes 



"WHAT?!?" The pro hero was taken back. He wasn't expecting her to be so... up front about it. 

"Well a-ahem--" He stood up clearing his throat

"I hope that little squirt treats my chickie-dee justt right-" He held his chin putting a hand on his hip

"He does... so can we drop it now?" Her eyes darted forward 

"REALLY!?" The blonde headed hero spazzed

"Yeah-" She nodded her head in annoyance

Talking about her love life, obviously wasn't the girl's favourite. No way was she going to talk about Katsuki, to the pro hero she's admired for many years. 

a.k.a her celebrity crush. 

Sensing her agitation, Hawks let it go.

"Hey-" He began

"Hn?" The pinkette turned her head in annoyance thinking the pro hero was still teasing her

"You know something else that's better than an autograph?"

The pinkette only asked Tokoyami for a stupid autograph because she never thought she would have the chance to meet the winged hero... and there she was, sitting across from him. 

Komei's cheeks instantly reddened.

"I'll show ya, come here-"

Obviously embarrassed that Tokoyami told him before she arrived, Hawks now knows the admiration she has for him. 

He grabbed her cell phone with one of his feathers and there it came flying out of her bag landing into the palm of his hand

"H-Hey!!" The girl spazzed

"Say cheese chickie!!" 

His left wing wrapped around the pinkette pulling her closer as he reached out to take a selfie. 

Villainous Heroes (Bakugou x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now