Battles: Heros vs Villains

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The curriculum of U.A. High's hero course. Regular required classes, like English, were in the morning.

"Which of these English sentences is wrong?" Present Mic questioned the students

"So boring--" Mina, Kaminari and Komei said with disinterest

Lunch is at the main cafeteria, where students can buy gourmet food for reasonable prices and then, in the afternoon, finally Hero Basic Training!


"It's All Might!" Kaminari shouted

"Wow, he really is a teacher! This year's going to be totally awesome!" Kirishima stood up

"That's a costume from the Silver Age, isn't it?" Asui questioned

'Wow, I can't believe it. Dad, All Might is actually standing in front of me' Komei thought with her eyes glistening

If her parents we're alive they would be in awe, especially her father.

"Welcome to the most important class at U.A high. I teach Hero Basic Training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero" All Might began

"Today's lesson, you'll pull no punches! Let's get right into it! This is what we'll do today, combat training!" All Might proclaimed as all the students cheered

"Oh yeah!" Komei smiled

The girl might not be able to use her quirk a lot, but she was strong.

"And the key to being a hero-- is looking good!!" All Might pointed at the wall as boxes slowly came out automatically

"Costumes made based on your Quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started"

"Costumes!" They all shouted

"After you change, gather in Ground Beta!" All Might commanded with a giant smile

"Yes, sir!" All the students cheered

"They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. Be fully aware from now on you are heroes!" All Might shouted

All the students came out wearing their hero costumes

Komei's costume consisted of a black tank-top and black high waisted frilled out skirt pulled together with a burnt yellow belt with some gadget's attached to the belt. Across Karin's chest is an X which is also burnt yellow.

Her color scheme is Black and Yellow.

On her back, she has two golden thunderbolt boomerangs that cross each other forming an X. From the front of Karin you can see them. They go out passing her shoulders.

The boomerangs are weapons, she can take them off and let her electric current flow within them and throw them at her opponent.

She has two black rings that wrap around her biceps and wears black gloves paired with chunky black knee high boots.

On her boots she has a flow of electricity running up and down the sides of her boots and as for her gloves it's the same. The current of electricity flows around her wrists.

Lastly on the sides of her temples she has two golden thunderbolt clips that follow the direction of her braids or whatever hairstyle she is pulling off that day (It's like an accessory or hair clips)

"Wow! Komei your costume looks so cool!" Uraraka said to the pinkette

"You think so?" The girl said looking at down at herself before doing a twirl and ending it with a peace sign

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