Shop Till You Drop!

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It was a bright sunny afternoon and all the kids in class 1-A decided to go to the shopping mall in preparation for camp. Komei ran into Kaminari and Mina when she got on the public bus and the three continued their journey to the shopping mall together.

"I can't believe Mr. Aizawa tricked us again!" Mina ranted as she walked off the bus

"I know right?" Kaminari agreed with his hands in his pockets

"We really need to read in between the lines next time-" Komei sighed as they crossed the street. 

Komei wore a red tank top with black shorts to match. She had a green backpack with her hair up in a ponytail letting pieces of her bangs fall down. 

They walked through the automated sliding doors letting the air conditioning grace their skin.

It was a scorcher outside today.

"Can we get food first?? I'm starvinggggg" Kaminari groaned holding onto his grumbling stomach making the girl's laugh

"Let's meet up with everyone first-" Komei replied




"Hey! You guys made it!" Kirishima turned around along with the rest of the class

"Yay! We're all here!! At the Kaishi Ward Shopping Mall!" Mina jumped in excitement

'Hey! Aren't those 1-A students?!'

'Yeah! 1-A!'

'We saw them on t.v!'

'The sports festival was so good!!'

"I-I can't believe they still remember that--" Uraraka stuttered looking over to the bunch of fanboys

Komei looked around. The only two people that were missing were Todoroki and Bakugou. 

'Shouto said he went to visit his mom at the hospital...' Komei grabbed her phone out of her bag

'...and Katsuki? He just flat out didn't want to come.'

'That's okay...' She groaned biting her lip

 It's not like she spent an extra 20 minutes or anything getting ready this morning...

'It's fine-' The girl gripped the phone tighter as she stared at his number contemplating whether to message him or not.

'That asshole-'

Now irritated she slipped the phone into her back pocket. She exhaled and tried to let it go. They were at the mall excited for training camp, together... Let's have fun and make the most of it.

"Hey Komei-" Jirou walked up to the girl

"What are you shopping for today?" She questioned

"Hm..." She put a hand up to her head

"I think I just need a duffle bag to put my things in... and maybe a bathing suit?"

"You got the right idea Komei-"

Komei and Jirou jumped in surprise as Mina hovered behind them.

"Everyone listen up!" The hyper pink haired girl proclaimed lifting her phone in the air

"Tomorrow we're all going to the Haruka Air Water Park!!" She shouted

'Haruka Air?'

"Look! The grand opening is tomorrow and they are letting everyone go in free for the day!" Mina jumped pointing at the social media flier on her screen

Villainous Heroes (Bakugou x Oc)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt