Welcome To The Dorms

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A Few Days Later |U.A High School | Principal's Office

"Thank you All Might. You have saved thousands of people's lives over these many years and it has cost you your body and strength." Nezu turned to face Aizawa and All Might 

"As a citizen, hero and principal I can not express how grateful we all are to you. However, given everything that has happened-- there are many who do not believe that you should continue being a teacher at U.A. Some are pointing out that our troubles began when you started working here. They are worried the children will be caught in the crossfire and you will not be able to protect them anymore."

"Nevertheless, I think I know what we need to do to ease the concern the public has expressed. We must strengthen the faith we have in the heroes today. It's true the threat we still face is troubling, but we will protect and train with more diligence then we have ever done before. That is why we are going to implement the plan I have in mind for a while now"

'Notice of the Introduction of the U.A All-Dorm System'

"I'm counting on you to convince the students families."


Komei Household

"Mr.Aizawa?? W-What are you doing here?" Karin stuttered as she opened the front door to reveal the pro hero.

Aizawa looked at the younger girl lazily.

Hm. This was definitely strange. Komei only ever saw Aizawa in school lifelessly wearing all black head to toe with a sleeping bag in hand, looking like he couldn't care less. But this... was unexpected. 

Aizawa was wearing a button down dress shirt with a tie and blazer, his hair pulled back into a low bun out of his face. 

"Karin, that's not the way to greet your teacher-" Asuka came forth to the door

"By all means, come in, come in-" Asuka motioned as Aizawa took a step in with a nod 

Karin stood in confusion. She's never seen her teacher so... put together. But why was he here?

'What the heck was going on?' 

The pinkette was currently still wearing an oversized hoodie with long socks to cover her scarred body. Ashamed, there's no way she'd let anyone see them. Especially her aunt and uncle, they'd freak. Not only that, anytime Karin would look at her body... she'd think of him...

Heck, now the scar on her face that she got from activating her quirk when she was little... made her cringe.

"I take it you have gotten the notice of the dormitory opening up..." Aizawa took a seat on the couch as Asuka brought some tea

"Yes we have, it came in the other day-" Renji nodded grabbing the letter, taking a seat on the other side 

"D-Dormitory?" Karin repeated making a face watching the adults

"Karin sweetie, help me bring these to the table-" Asuka picked up a tray as Karin followed in pursuit with whatever else she needed

"U.A is opening a dorm Mr. Aizawa?" Karin questioned the man as he looked over to her aunt and uncle giving them the 'you didn't tell her?' look

They smiled, sweat dropping as they went on with the conversation.

"Wait a minute-"

"I-I remember you..." Asuka spoke causing her niece to look over 

"You're not just Karin's teacher... you were there... that day..." Asuka went on as Aizawa flickered his eyes to hers

Memories flooded back to the destructive day the pinkette lost both her parents.

Villainous Heroes (Bakugou x Oc)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن