Let's Get Wild

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Monday Morning

"Be sure you have all your things ready~" Asuka sung was she was in the midst of making breakfast in the kitchen

"I got it Aunt Asuka!" The pinkette shouted coming out of her bed room wearing her school uniform holding on to her full duffle bag

She put her stuff down near the door before walking back to the table grabbing a piece of bread with a knife spreading strawberry jam on it.

"Look at you all bright eyed and bushy tailed~"

Karin looked over to see her Uncle Renji smiling walking into the kitchen wearing his business suit grabbing his morning coffee.

"Morning Uncle Renji-" She spoke with her mouth half full

"Kari-chan's going to be gone for another whole week?? What am I going to do..." Rosa sighed as she sat at the kitchen table in her bunny pajamas.

"Don't worry Rose, when I get back we'll have the rest of the summer together!" The pinkette reassured the little girl making her eyes sparkle

"Come on Uncle Renji let's go, let's go!!" She jumped trying to push the man out of the house

"Okay Okay!" He rose his arms up comically

"Go check one last time just to make sure you didn't forget anything-" 

"Finee...." The pinkette groaned walking back into her room as her uncle grabbed the car keys

Checking around, the pinkette found herself staring at her reflection.

There was something she forgot to do... Her hair of course.

'Maybe...' She looked at herself in the long side mirror admiring her complexion 

'I'll leave it down today-' She pulled a strand behind her ear 

"If you don't know what i'm talking about then you sure as hell are stupid-"

She shook her head right and left as her cheeks began to heat up. 

'Idiot Idiot Idiot!' She smacked her cheeks.

 Why the heck was she thinking about that?

The pinkette was angered, outraged at the blonde. Her plan at the very moment was just to ignore him once they got to the camp.

She needed to focus on getting stronger.


"Now that you finished up your first semester at U.A High, it's time for summer vacation to officially begin." Mr Aizawa began

"However, don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes in the making" He eyeballed the students

"At this camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits, you're aiming to become plus ultra..."

"Now grab all your things and let's head on the bus-"

"Yes Sir!"


Kaminari and Komei turned around hearing the shout of the blonde haired copycat.

'Oh no it's him...' They frowned

Class 1-B then appeared alongside their teacher Vlad King.

"Attention class A! Everyone line up in seating order!" Iida spazzed

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