Operation: Rescue Katsuki Bakugou

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Mr. Vlad King was able to call emergency services not too long after the villains left, ambulances and fire fighters arrived. Of the forty students, fifteen were unconscious and in serious condition because of the gas and eleven others were injured. Thirteen were unharmed physically... and one of us was missing.

Meanwhile on the villains side, three were caught and arrested. The other attackers managed to disappear without a trace thanks to the warp villain... the summer training camp we were all looking forward to, couldn't have been more of a disaster.


A Few Days Later

U.A High was facing major backlash due to all the villainous attacks during this school year. The Usj, Hosu, and now the training camp? There were many civilians outraged, and the pro heroes of U.A had to face that responsibility. 

"Kyo Kyo?" Kirishima slid the girls hospital door open peeking his head in as she slowly sat up in her bed

Wearing a hospital gown with her hair down, the girl winced trying to sit up

Her injuries weren't as bad as Yaoyorozu or Jirou's for example but the burns all over her body stung like hell.

Recovery girl tried her best to heal the pinkette, but the girl suffered third degree burns.  Her skin was practically charred.

The pro hero did everything in her power to help heal the girl.

At the moment, different parts of Komei's body were wrapped up in gauze. In specific, the top of her right shoulder, both wrists, ankles, and abdomen.

Kirishima walked in closer, unable to match the girl's eyes. The boy shook as he stared at the ground standing by her bedside.

"I'm..." He shakily bowed catching her off guard


"I-I couldn't protect you... and that villain up right took you away from me!!" He broke

As the boy spoke, each sentence got louder and louder as he tried to express his pent up feelings.

"They targeted my friends I stood there... helpless and defenseless-" He strained his eyes shut as tears slipped down his face hitting the tile floors

"And now Bakugou's gone..." 

Hearing a sniffle and a soft hand rest on his shoulder, the red head looked up. Her eyes were puffy as she quickly slapped her hands over her eyes. 

 Her heart felt empty, how did this happen?

She couldn't hold it in anymore. Hearing Kirishima actually say it made it even more real. Katsuki was gone. The villains took him.

"Komei?" His eyebrows furrowed in worry as he watched the girl

He quickly moved closer and wrapped his arms around the pinkette.

Feeling the amount of emotion in the red heads embrace, she cried into his shoulder as he held her close.

The top of his shoulder felt wet, stained with her tears as she began rubbing his back in circles trying to sooth the boy.

 They were both having a difficult time dealing with this situation, but one thing that they had was each other.

"Listen..." He whispered now leaning back to look at her as she wiped her face

"I wasn't gonna ask you but-"

'Ask me what?'

"I came to the hospital to visit you and everyone else yesterday and I ran into Todoroki..."

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