Crimson Wings

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Kyushu Station

"Okay... so where do I go now from here???" The pinkette stared at the gps on her smart phone before looking up to some nearby signs. Pulling her little rolly luggage, she sighed

"I am..." 

"Completely lost..." The girl sweat dropped in defeat


"Excuse me ma'am-" She walked up to the information desk

"Can you tell me how to get to Pro Hero Hawks' Agency?"

Hearing the winged Hero's name, the young brunette haired woman arched an eyebrow.

"The Hawks Agency... you?"

She eye balled the pinkette up and down with a frown

'Jeez, what the heck is wrong with this chick??'

"Hawks is was too busy to deal with fangirls, we are under stricken rules given not to give out the location to just anyone-"

Komei huffed in annoyance 

'Stingy old lady-'

"Well..." The thunder heroette took off her backpack now agitated, undoing the zipper

"I'm from U.A High School under orders from the Erasure Hero: EraserHead himself to go to the number three's agency-" She pulled out her school ID along side a formal letter written by Aizawa  

"Oh!" The woman jumped in surprise grabbing the papers as Komei stood tapping her foot in annoyance

"Let me just make a p-phone call and let t-them know you are at the station-" She picked up the phone flushing in embarrassment 

"So from here, you will walk three blocks south make a right and across the street there you will find the Agency facing the ocean-"

"My apologies for the inconvenience-" He handed Komei back the letter and bowed

"It's alright, thanks-" She rolled her eyes in frustration before leaving the station 

'She didn't need to grill me like that...' Komei huffed as the automatic doors opened taking her first step out

'I guess Hawks probably does have a lot of fans here...'

'I suppose you can't blame her-'

Feeling the sudden breeze hit her face, the pinkette gasped as goosebumps went down her arms

Man, Kyushu was so beautiful. I mean it was an island after all.

 I mean it was an island after all

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She could get used to this-

'Okay... three blocks and make a right...'

A bundle of butterflies started to rage in her stomach as the girl neared the agency letting her nerves take over.

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