Chapter 10

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I can still feel his lips on mine, yet I can't stop thinking about it. The pain on Kieran's face. I just needed to suck it up and remember why I'm here.


Morning came too early. I pull on a creamy day dress and my maids primp me for the day. After a quick breakfast with some of the selected I walk out into the gardens.

The cool air greats me as I walk out and sit on a bench. I see him before it's too late. Kieran. I try to make a quick get away but fail drastically.

"Brynly. Why?" He stutters.

"We've been through this. You and me can't happen. We..." I take a deep breath. "We never happened."

"You don't mean that?"

"I'm sorry Kieran. I really am." Then the worst possible thing happens. The rebel sirens go off.

Kieran grabs my hand and runs me to the nearest safe house which happens to be unoccupied. We seal the door and I try to remain calm.

Then a thought occurs. I am in a room with Kieran alone after I broke his heart. Again.

"You must hate me." I wrap my arms around myself.

"I could never hate you." He frowns.

"Kieran, this has to stop. You don't even know me." I give him a pointed look.

"Then we will have to change that." He scoots over to sit by me. This is going to be a long night.


After a long game of twenty questions, we get to know each other. His favorite color is grey, as he puts it "the color of your captivating eyes." He loves pizza and brownies. The outdoors make life great for him. I tell him about my ballet talents, love of summer rains, and a few other random things.

I begin to drift off and decide I'll worry about the fact that my head is on his shoulder later and finally fall asleep.

*I've been a terrible author forgetting to update :(. I promise I will be mote active. You are all great. Bye!*

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