Chapter 18

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I sit at a desk in the library and pour over the countless hours of research I collected. James Parker is your average guard. He was drafted at eighteen and has worked at the palace ever since. Yet, he's really 17 like me but he must have lied about his age so he could gather intel for the rebels as soon as possible.

I have yet to find any information that will help me contact him. I need to figure out if what he said is true. The possibility of having a father and brother...but there's always the chance he's just lying to get to the royals. I sigh and walk out the library, done with my research for the day.


I enter my room and sit down at my desk. As I sit I realize that a picture of my mother is flipped the wrong way. I turn the photo over and on the back is a tiny piece of paper. It reads North Wall, Midnight -HB. I finally have my chance to get the answers I've desperately been seeking.

Kyler made me promise I would tell him if Hunter ever contacted me again, so I walk through the hall to his room. I'd never been inside, but I ignore the nervousness and knock on his door.

Kyler opens the door in quite a disheveled state. His tie is gone, suit sleeves are rolled up, and his hair is tousled.

"Are you okay?" I gesture to his messy appearance.

"Just a lot of work...and stress." I take in the dark circles under his eyes.

"Hunter contacted me." I say hurriedly. Kyler looks down at me and quickly pulls me into his room.

"Sorry about that," he closes the door, "I didn't want any eavesdroppers. Now you can explain." I quickly take in Kyler's room. It's done in shades of green that compliment his eyes and is full of dark mahogany furniture. We sit on the edge of his bed and he turns towards me.

"I found a note telling me to go to the North Wall at midnight and it was initialed HB." He frowns at my comment.

"It makes sense, the rebels recently dismantled the security cameras in that section and there is a lot of tree cover to hide from the guards."

"I'm going, I need answers." I say firmly. He starts to protest.

"Then I'm going with you." He stares at me defiantly.

"Kyler, you can't. It's not safe and you need sleep. You look like you haven't slept in days."

"Sleep is the least important thing on my mind when you could easily be walking into a trap."

"It's not a trap." I protest. He interlaces his fingers in mine.

"I'm going no matter what and there is nothing you can do to stop me." I sigh.

"Fine." I lean my head on his shoulder, "Kyler James, you are trouble." He grins.

"I know." I laugh and we hatch a plan for the night.


I stand outside my room waiting for Kyler. A hand comes down on my shoulder, so naturally I scream and elbow the person in the stomach.

"Jeez Brynly, you're going to wake the whole palace and ow that hurt." I spin around to see Kyler.

"Kyler David James, if you ever scare me like that again..." I glare at him.


"I don't know your middle name so I guessed." I shrug.

"Christopher, It's Christopher." I smile and finally notice what he's wearing. I can't stop laughing. He is wearing a black pair of pants and a long sleeve black shirt. He is also holding a ski mask.

"What?" He blushes.

"Your spy outfit is quite brilliant." I laugh even more. I had opted for a pair of jeans I found in the back of the closet and a black shirt.

"You said dress to blend in." His face turns bright red.

"I didn't say a ski mask," I laugh, "but you look quite good in black." At that he smiles and gives me a quick kiss before we head for the North Wall.

The guards give us strange looks but Kyler just tells them we are going for a walk. A cool breeze greets us as we walk through the door. Kyler wraps his hand around mine and we walk towards the woods.

I shiver as the cold night air wraps around me. Kyler takes of his jacket and puts it on my shoulders. I smile up at him but we say nothing in fear of the guards hearing us.

A small light appears in the forest, so we follow it until he is visible . Hunter Bennett, my brother.

"Brynly," He nods.

"I hope you don't mind me bringing someone." I look at Kyler.

"While I don't approve of your company, it really doesn't matter because what I'm telling you won't help the royals defeat the rebels."

"Why did you contact me?"

"I thought some time would help you make the right choice."

"What choice?" I look at him and Kyler remains silent.

"To come with us of course, your family." Kyler steps in front of me.

"She's not going anywhere near you monsters." Hunter laughs.

"I think you know who the real monster is. Brynly if you don't come with me tonight I will stop bothering you. But I will leave instructions on how to contact us if you ever need help."

"You probably won't understand but I have to stay." I say quitely.

"I thought as much. Until next time," he smiles one last time and disappears into the night.

*Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm on vacation right now, but I made the chapter longer to make up for it. Hope you like it*

The Six: Selection StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora