Chapter 22

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October 12
The people's unrest is growing and I have hope that our newest plan will cause the monarchy to crumble. We now have a secret weapon, the Queen is on our side. She too yearns for a better future.

Laia has become a close friend and an ally. She loves her husband, yet she hates the power that has corrupted him. Our plan is extreme but it is needed-

I hear footsteps and hurriedly hide the diary behind my pillow. Kyler enters the room with a grin of excitement that lights up his entire face as he walks towards me.

"Bryn, you'll never believe what happened!" I smile at his adorable enthusiasm.

"Enlighten me." I give him a coy look and interlace my hand in his.

"They've decided to open up the old observatory and my mother is throwing a celebration for its reopening." He picks me up and spins me in a circle. I let out a light laugh.

"Who knew you were such an astronomy nerd." He blushes, "I'm only joking, it just makes me love you even more." I kiss the tip of his nose.

"There's just something about the vast unknown that fascinates me. In the past few years I've only been able to use my personal telescope, but imagine what I can see with the massive contraption inside the observatory!"

"Why did it originally close?" I stand on  the tips of my toes to catch his every expression. He frowns and an uncomfortable look flashes across his face.

"You don't have to tell me." I stare down at my shoes.

"No, it's time I tell you," he pauses. "Very few people know this, but the royal family had a daughter before my brother and I. She became extremely sick at a young age and my mother took her to a neighboring province. Columbia housed the best doctors and she insisted on going by herself. My mom was gone for several weeks and returned with the news that Adelaide had passed away. My father was heartbroken and closed the observatory because he used to bring Addy there all the time. It's been closed every since." I hug him tightly.

"I'm so sorry," I mumble into his chest.

"I never knew her, but a part of my life still feels empty." I nod in understanding.

"Opening the observatory is a great way to honor her."

"It truly is." He replies.


The gold trim is illuminated by the twinkling tea lights strung across the ceiling. The observatory is the most breath taking room in the palace. A glass dome ceiling gives the most enchanting view of the stars. I gaze around the room at the extravagantly dressed party guests. I then find the Queen in the crowd and my father's journal comes to mind. She worked with my father and possibly still does.

The journals were in the library with solid evidence of her consulting for the rebels. I'm positive Queen Laia shelfed the diaries without the knowledge of the palace book keeper. But my thoughts are interrupted as Kieran approaches.

"Brynly, you look lovely as always." I look down a my blue taffeta gown.

"Thank you, you look quite dapper yourself." He smiles.

"If you will excuse me, I have to go find my mother. But it was great seeing you." I smile as he departs towards the Queen.

At the mention of Queen Laia, I am reminded of my current situation. I will definitely have to speak to Kyler about the journals, perhaps even tonight.

*It has been way too long since the last update. I am soooo sorry about that. School has just been pretty hectic lately. I will try to update this weekend to make up for it (the party scene will be continued). Thanks for reading!*

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