Chapter 13

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Kyler takes a breath. "Every night my dad requires me to go to his office. He is so paranoid about losing the monarchy that he will do whatever it takes to stay in power. For some reason he feels that he has to make me perfect so when he's gone, I won't screw everything up." Kyler squeezes the bridge of his nose.

"Are you okay?" I gesture to his pained expression with a worried glance.

"It's the headaches. There's always a constant pressure in the back of my head. My dad's belittling doesn't help and now he wants me to make a big elimination." He sighs, "That's pretty much it." I place my hand on top of his.

"I guess it's my turn. But first I need to tell you something." He nods, "At one point I thought I had feelings for Kieran. But now I realize that they were completely false!" I say hurriedly.

"Did-did you kiss him?" He looks hurt.

"He kissed me once... But there is nothing between us."

"I guessed that Kieran had fallen for someone, it just had to be you. If you say it's over then I can accept that. Thank you for telling me."

"Thank you for understanding. I really hated keeping it from you. And hurting you..."

"'s over. What's done is done." He leans in and gives me a small kiss.
"What was the other thing?" I nod and mentally prepare myself.

"When I was young my brother and father were taken in a rebel attack. My father was found dead."

"Brynly I'm so sorry..." He wraps his arms around me.

"But today I received a message to meet someone in the gardens at midnight. I pretty much ignored any possibility that there could be danger and snuck out. The person who sent the message claimed to be my brother. I don't know if I believe him...what I say next, you can't tell anyone." He nods.

"He told me that my dad is a rebel leader and he faked his death. They wanted to bring my mother and I with them but they ran out of time. He recently found my mom and now they want me to go with them." Kyler scrunches his brow.

"I don't think you should trust him even if he is telling the truth. The rebels can be dangerous people."

"I really don't know what to think..." I bury my face in his chest.

"I think you should go to bed and worry about it tomorrow. You look exhausted." I nod and he walks me to my room.


"Mhmm?" He says quietly.

"I'm scared." He understands what I am saying and he sits down in the chair next to my bed.

"I'll stay." I get in bed and he leans back in the chair then closes his eyes. I start to drift off and I succumb to sleep.


I wake up to the sound of footsteps. I look up and see Kyler walking towards the door.

"Did I wake you? I was trying to be quiet so you could sleep." I shake my head and he walks over and sits on the edge of the bed. We sit in silence. Even though we don't exchange words we grow closer in those few moments. Until the door opens.

"Brynly?" It's Kieran. He looks over and sees Kyler.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you..." I look of hurt crosses his face.

"Kyler, it's not what it looks like." I say hurriedly.

"Um no I'm pretty sure it is." He walks out with a wounded expression. I start to go after him but Kyler stops me.

"Let me." He walks out and just like that I'm alone.

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