Chapter 9

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"Kyler, what are you doing here." I give him a questioning look. Today has certainly been very eventful.

"I was wondering if you would do me the honor of going on a date?" I notice his nervous exspression as he says this.

"Um ya I would like that." I internally reprimand myself at how stupid I sounded. He extends his hand and I place mine in his.

"Where are we going?" He smiles as to hint that its supposed to be a suprise so I silently follow him. A few minutes later we arrive in the kitchen. I give him a questioning look.

"We are baking a cake." He smiles as he says this which causes his dimples to show. Wow he has some nice dimples. Kyler starts to pull out the ingredients. We work as a perfect team, each putting in the needed ingredients in the bowl. Once the cake is in the oven he smiles at me and grabs a handful of flower.

Before I see it coming he chucks a handful of flower at my face.

"You did not just do that!" I scowl but pick up some flower and throw it at his chest. He tries to duck but it ends up hitting him in the face.

"It's on." I laugh at his comment and the flour fight begins. I decide to get a little bit creative so I grab an egg and walk up to him. I motion for him to bend down because I am extremely short.

"I need to tell you something." When he bends down I take the egg and crack it on his head.

"Oh Brynly you are trouble." He laughs but then his face gets serious. He bends down and leans towards me. My lips brush his and I wrap my arms around his neck, intwining my fingers in his hair. He deepens the kiss and wraps his arms around my waist. I feel him smile against my lips and we slowly break apart. I blush and he smiles.

"You know your pretty adorable when you blush." This causes me to blush even more and he laughs. I hit him lightly on the chest but smile.

"I didn't realize it was so late." He frowns and says this as he looks at the clock.

"I think we should head back." I grab his hand and we walk back to my room.

"I really enjoyed tonight and Kyler I think we forgot about the cake." I laugh

"Eh, it doesn't matter that much, goodnight Brynly." He leans in and gives me a featherlight kiss. I don't see him until it's too late. Kieran walks by right as Kyler kisses me, a look of hurt crosses his face as he abruptly turns around and walks out of the hall. Kyler wishes me goodnight one more time before leaving. I walk into my room and collapse onto the bed. How do I always mess everything up...

*Sorry I took so long to update*

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