>Chapter 2<

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Your dad drove your'll home and you went straight to your room, not even looking at your parent. You took a shower and put on...

You were about to go to bed when your parents called you

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You were about to go to bed when your parents called you.

Mr. Kim: Taehyung!

Taehyung: Ugh! I'm coming!

You went downstairs and sat opposite of your parents.

Taehyung: Yeah?

Mr. Kim: I'm really glad you agreed to the marriage.

Taehyung: *rolls eyes* what was the need to to married. The company is doing well.

Mr. Kim: I know, but in order for the Lee's company to be successful as well, you and Y/n needs to work together.

Taehyung: What do you care about their company. Let them sort it out themselves.

Mr. Kim: Taehyung! Our company was successful because of them and in order to join companies, we need your'll to get married.

Taehyung: Oh so you just using us?

Mr. Kim: *breathes in disappointment* No! I'm helping your'll, you can thank me later when everything comes in place.

Mrs. Kim: And Y/n will be a really good wife, shes beautiful, smart and she might even change that attitude of yours.

Taehyung: Whatever! *rolls eyes*

Mrs. Kim: Excuse me young man! *breathes heavily* We should have just gave your brother the position as CEO

Taehyung: Ugh!!! Everything damn this is about him.

Mr. Kim: Yes! Cause he doesnt have an attitude like yours.

Taehyung: *angry* I'm going back to my room.

You went back to your room and went to bed.


Eomma: Morning honey...

Y/n: ....Eo...Eomma...

Eomma: Mrs. Kim said that she wants to meet us at 09:00

Y/n: Okay... I'll get ready by then...

Eomma: Okay, and breakfast is ready.

Y/n: ...okay

You got up and took a bath, you wanted to wear something casual so you put on this...

You got up and took a bath, you wanted to wear something casual so you put on this

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&gt;FORCED MARRIAGE&lt; KIM TAEHYUNGWhere stories live. Discover now