"This place is crazy! I didn't realize this is what recording studios looked like?" I said as I sat down on a rolling chair that was pulled up to the soundboard. 

Both of them laughed. "This ain't even that good of a studio, the ones at the big record labels are way more dope." Denaun said again. 

"Yo you got the tapes?" Marshall asked as he sat down beside me and started clicking different buttons. 

Denaun patted down his jeans pockets. "Fuck I forgot them in the car. I'll be back." Denaun walked back towards the door, and Marshall continued on with pressing random buttons. 

"So you excited?" I asked as I relaxed in the chair. 

"'Bout what?" He turned his head to look at me. 

"About this." I smiled and motioned my hand around the room. "Your record." 

"Oh yeah, 'course. It's just taking way longer than I expected it too. I mean I only got like six tracks done."

I nodded. "Well just be patient. You'll get there eventually." 

He nodded back and we both went silent for a few moments. "Y'know I got a track 'bout you on there?" 

A small smile painted across my face. "Really? What's it sound like?" 

"Uh, well I ain't wanna be here when you listen to it, but I think it's cool." 

"What why? Don't you wanna know if I like it?" 

He let out a little chuckle. "Honestly not really. I mean yeah, I hope you like it, but I just-" He paused. "Like it's kinda soft.  And I'm just nervous 'bout your reaction." 

My eyebrows knitted together. "Soft?" 

He shrugged. "I wrote a lot of it when we were together, y'know what I mean?" A look of realization swept across my face and I nodded. "I hope that's okay? I ain't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything, I was just-" 

Him beginning to rant told me was starting to feel awkward and embarrassed. I quickly leaned forward in my chair and gently placed my hand on his leg. "No no no, that doesn't make me feel uncomfortable at all. I love it. I think that's really sweet, Marshall." I said softly. 

"Yeah?" He returned my soft tone as our eyes locked on each other's. 

I nodded slightly. "Yeah. Of course." We continued staring at each other for a few moments, and the tension between us was thick. It wasn't a sexual tension, it was more of an emotional tension. Like we both had things we wanted so badly to say, but couldn't. I started chewing at the skin on my lower lip since I was feeling really shy under his gaze.

"You're nervous." He stated. I didn't say anything back, I just gave a little head nod once more. He always knows when i'm nervous, so there's no use in lying about it. He gently brought his hand towards mine and ran his fingers over top, sending a million electric shocks through me. "Why?" I shook my head lightly. I truly didn't know why, but I remember this is always how he made me feel before we started dating. Nervous. Anxious. Shy. It's like when he looks at me like this, he's looking into my soul, and it's uncomfortable in all the right ways.   

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