Twenty Seven

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continuation of December, 1995

I had been back home for about a week, and everything was going very smoothly thus far. Devon was able to make himself right at home since him and mom were getting along so well. But truthfully my mom gets along with pretty much everyone, so I never had any worries that they wouldn't. 

Even though they were getting along so well, my mom still wanted to get to know him better. She had some errands she had to run today, and decided it would be a great idea to drag Devon along. I personally think she just didn't want to have to drive in the snow, and wanted Devon to drive for her, but regardless Devon agreed trying his best to remain on her good side. Since they were going to be out for majority of the day, I thought maybe it would be a good time to go and check out the studio that Marshall was recording in. They had all still been relentlessly bugging me about coming to see them in action, so I figured why the hell not? 

Denaun was going to pick up Marshall first, and then he was going to come and pick me up. I was fully ready to go at around 12:30pm, and about ten minutes later I heard Denaun honking his horn telling me they were here. I quickly grabbed my keys, and my wallet while I shoved my feet in my pretty much brand new Timbaland's that Devon had bought for me last month. He said he couldn't believe I was living in Detroit without owning any sort of winter boots, but I just could never afford it so I always just wore my sneakers and sucked it up. After I threw on my winter coat, I was ready to go. 

I ran out towards the car, and saw Denaun quickly unlock the doors. I hopped into the backseat and they both greeted me with big smiles. "Yo." Denaun said as I closed the car door. 

"Devon not comin'?" Marshall asked as he turned himself around to look at me and Denaun started driving. 

I shook my head. "No, him and my mom are on a date." 

Both Marshall and Denaun erupted with laughter. "What?!" Marshall asked as I laughed with them. 

"I'm just kidding, but he is with her, they're just running errands. Says she wants to 'get to know him better'." My voice was sarcastic and I put air quotations around the last part.  

"Ahh, bullshit. She just ain't wanna drive in the snow." Denaun joked. 

"I know! That's what I said." I joked back. "She used to do that all the time to Marshall." 

"Yo she still does it!" Denaun laughed. 

"Oh my god really?" I asked surprised. 

"Yeah, I ain't mind it though. I like hangin' out with her." He trailed off. "Plus she always feeds me after." He joked. 

Me and Denaun both laughed. "Well I'm glad she's keeping you well fed then." I joked back. 

About fifteen minutes later we pulled up to a small building that I assumed must be the studio. We all piled out of the car and walked inside. There didn't seem to be a single person here, except for us which I thought was weird. "Is it always a ghost town in here?" I asked as Denaun opened up the door to one of the recording rooms. 

"Nah, just nobody really comes in on the weekends except for us." Marshall replied nonchalantly. I nodded and followed him inside the studio. 

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed as my eyes laid on a huge soundboard, giant speakers, and all different types of instruments. 

"What?" Denaun asked as he flipped everything on, and all sorts of lights began to shine on the soundboard. 

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