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He hated his asthma.

"I want to pretend like I don't have it." He says, head tilting to the floor. "Because it made you leave. And it made me different from everyone."

I stay silent.

"I was so happy when it didn't show up for the past five years." Taehyung says, holding my hand. "But then it started to show again, these last couple of weeks."

His hand trembles. He shifts it behind his back, when I've already seen it anyway.

"You don't have to say anything more." I say quietly, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "I understand."

So he was scared.

He'd been terrified, every time I would mention his asthma or an inhaler. But it didn't change the fact that he still had the condition.

I breathe.


"Then I need to tell you something."

I tell him about that night. The reason why I'd been in his house, and the inhaler sitting in his kitchen drawer.

"Keep it— or throw it out." I murmur to his frozen figure. "It's your choice."

"You...brought me an inhaler?"

I nod, confused when he groans into his hands.

"I was so mean to you that day. I told you to leave, and I...I'm sorry, Noona."

And I'm about to tell him that I don't blame him. Even I'd be angry if I found him coming out of my apartment, when I'd never let him in.

But then I look up at the sound of a dull crash, and a short burst of laughter.


Taehyung peeks over my head when I push open the door and hurry out to the living room. Jungkook is on the floor, trying to get up with the blanket tangled around his legs.

He looks disoriented, and I see Shilla on the other side.

She's turned her head to the side, entire body shaking with suppressed laughter.

"Amin!" She hiccups, her lips still stretched in a wide smile. "Did you sleep well? Oh, you too— Mr. Kim."

"Min Shilla."

Jungkook looks more pissed than usual as he gets to his feet, blanket fisted tightly in his paled hands. And my friend's smile slowly dissipates when his furious glare turns to her.

"I think, uh, we need to get going." She laughs awkwardly, reaching for my sleeve.

Taehyung's hand tightens on mine for a second, before it loosens quickly. It's like he's realized, that Shilla doesn't really know.

"Yes." I say, pressing down a smile when I see Taehyung's lips purse together in a frown.

"I'll see you at work, Mr. Kim."

And the moment we're out of the door, Shilla grips my arm. She's wriggling her eyebrows.

"Amin, I know about you and Mr. Kim."

I laugh.

"I'm surprised you didn't say anything up until now." I say, continuing to walk. Shilla easily follows my pace, still grinning.

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